2027 LP Ticket Not For Obi, Abure Declares

2 weeks ago 6

The national chairman of the Labour Party, Barrister Julius Abure, has publicly accused Peter Obi, the party’s presidential candidate in the last general election, and Abia State Governor Alex Otti of fostering divisions within the party.

Abure further stated that the party’s 2027 presidential ticket is no longer reserved for Obi, saying it is now open to all qualified Nigerians.

Abure, who made the statement during a National Executive Council (NEC) meeting at the party’s headquarters yesterday, expressed optimism that the current crisis would be resolved soon.

“I address you today with a heavy heart yet steadfast determination to protect our party. I do not stand here merely as your national chairman but as a custodian of the principles that bind our esteemed party: unity, justice, and integrity.

“We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in our party’s journey. Recent developments indicate that those who should be allies in our quest for a better-structured, organised, and united party have taken a different approach.

“This approach is one of division, not unity. I refer specifically to the unauthorised gathering that occurred in Abia State, an effort to sow discord within our ranks, orchestrated by none other than His Excellency Peter Obi and Governor Alex Otti. This meeting, convened without the approval of the National Executive Council, aimed to establish a so-called ‘new leadership.'”

According to him, the action was not only illegal but also a betrayal of the very essence of the Labour Party – rewarding loyalty with ingratitude and support with insubordination.

Abure pointed out that the Labour Party has historically been a beacon of hope for the oppressed and marginalised in Nigeria.

“Our mission is to unite this nation, not divide it. Yet, we find ourselves in a situation where individuals who have thrived on the trust and support of this great party are now seeking to undermine it from the inside. I assert that the beautiful ones are yet to be born in Nigeria.

“I urge those aligned with this wrongful act to reconsider their stance. Creating division is not merely a political tactic but a perilous game. If allowed to persist, it could lead to consequences too severe for us to recover from. Division within the Labour Party translates to division within Nigeria,” he said.

Abure added that the ramifications of such actions would jeopardise the party’s future and the prospects of those aspiring to run under its banner.

“The Labour Party was established on the foundation of honest Nigerians who believed in a brighter future. We are a party of vision, unity, and genuine representation of the people’s interests. We must not allow backroom deals and clandestine meetings to tear us apart.

“What message does it convey to Nigerians when divisive meetings are held in Abia State, a region representing resilience? At a time when our nation grapples with ethnic strife, such actions do not foster unity; they exacerbate distrust.

“Nigerians are observing, and they will not remain silent. We cannot afford to gamble with the future of our party,” he said.

Abure called on the genuine members of the Labour Party to remain steadfast and be ready to contest the 2027 presidential ticket, adding that he was “dedicated to steering this party in a direction that resonates with the hopes and aspirations of Nigerians.”

“We have significant work ahead. The beautiful ones are not yet born in Nigeria but will emerge through our collective efforts. We must nurture this party, for it is the only true vessel capable of delivering the change that Nigerians urgently seek,” he said.

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