Accord Party Says Protests Should Create Meaningful Change

1 month ago 3

The Accord Party has reflected on the commencement of the #EndBadGovernance protest and said it should be a catalyst for meaningful change.

It therefore called on all stakeholders—government, civil society, and citizens—to engage in constructive dialogue and work together towards a brighter future.

Stressing that the protests reflect the voice and will of the Nigerian people, the party said it is not just a call for change but a powerful testament to a collective desire for a better Nigeria.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja the national chairman of Accord, Barrister Maxwell Mgbedum, said he found it necessary to address the nation on the profound impacts of this significant event.

He listed the positive impacts to include; “Awareness and Engagement: The #EndBadGovernance protest has sparked a remarkable level of awareness among Nigerians. Citizens from all walks of life are now more informed about governance issues, leading to a heightened sense of political engagement and responsibility. This is a crucial step towards a more participatory democracy.

“Unity and Solidarity: The protest has united Nigerians across ethnic, religious, and socio-economic lines. It has shown that, despite our differences, we share a common goal: the desire for good governance. This unity is a powerful force that can drive positive change and foster national cohesion.

“Accountability and Transparency: The protest has put pressure on government officials and institutions to be more accountable and transparent. The demand for better governance has led to increased scrutiny of public offices, encouraging officials to act in the best interest of the people.

“Youth Empowerment: Young Nigerians have been at the forefront of this movement, showcasing their leadership and determination. The protest has empowered the youth, giving them a platform to voice their concerns and influence the future of our nation.”

He however listed the negative impacts to include; “Disruption of Daily Activities: As with any large-scale protest, there have been disruptions to daily activities and business operations. This has led to economic losses and inconveniences for many citizens. While the cause is just, it is essential to manage these disruptions to minimize their impact on the populace; Security Concerns: There have been reports of clashes between protesters and security forces, leading to injuries and, in some cases, loss of life. It is imperative that the protest remains peaceful and that security personnel exercise restraint to avoid further violence; Polarization: The protest has highlighted deep-seated divisions within our society. While it has united many, it has also polarized others. It is crucial to address these divisions and work towards a more inclusive dialogue that considers diverse perspectives; Economic Strain: The prolonged nature of the protest could strain the economy, particularly in sectors already weakened by global challenges. It is vital to balance the fight for justice with the need to sustain economic stability.”

He observed that the #EndBadGovernance protest is a watershed moment in our nation’s history, saying it embodies the spirit of a people who refuse to be silenced and who demand a government that truly serves them.

“As we navigate the complexities of this movement, let us remember that the ultimate goal is to build a Nigeria that upholds justice, equity, and prosperity for all,” he added.

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