After captivating audiences with her short film titled, ‘Dreams’, which screened at over 15 local and international festivals, award-winning writer and director Chioma Paul-Dike, has returned with a horror film titled, ‘Oblation’.
According to her, the short film delves into “generational curses, the enigma of dreams, and the unseen forces that shape our lives”.
Speaking to Saturday Beats, Dike said, “It is not just a horror film; we hope to deliver a thought-provoking story of love, betrayal and redemption. The story explores the unseen forces that shape us and the sacrifices demanded when those forces awaken. We hope to build on the acceptance of Dreams (her first film) and create an unforgettable experience for the viewers.
“It promises to take audiences to thrilling and unexpected places. Prepare to be haunted—this is horror like you’ve never seen before.”
Actors in the film include Kelechi Udegbe, Chioma Akpotha, Bucci Franklin, Ruby Akubueze, Ebere Okaro and Iyke Ndubuisi.
Exploring the premise of the film, Paul-Dike said, “A young pregnant bride, Nelo, who is just settling into her new life with her husband, Obinna, is plagued by terrifying dreams in which a mysterious woman screams at her to leave her new home. This feature-length adaptation deepens the narrative and raises the stakes.
Meanwhile, Paul-Dike’s ‘Dream’ had screened at festivals such as AFRIFF (2023), the Silicon Valley African Film Festival (2024), the Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center’s 29th Annual S.E. Manly African American Short Film Showcase (2024), the Real-Time International Film Festival UK (2024), and the Eastern Nigeria International Film Festival (2024), among others.