Alau Dam: Northern Youth Professionals Demand Accountability, Action

2 days ago 1

The Northern Christian Youth Professionals have called on the Borno State and the federal governments to ensure that people who refused to manage the Alau Dam in Maiduguri, which led to flooding, are punished.

A statement issued by their leader, Isaac Abrak, said the recent flooding in Borno State, caused by the breakdown of the Alau Dam, has resulted in unprecedented devastation, insisting that people must account for what happened.

“Over 30 lives lost, 23,000 residential houses destroyed, and 414,000 people displaced as a result of the negligence of the dam. People must account for it,” the youths said.

Speaking further, the youths said critical infrastructure, including bridges, roads, electricity systems, healthcare facilities, and schools, have been severely damaged, adding that approximately 1 million people have lost their source of livelihood.

“We demand that the Federal and Borno State Governments investigate and hold accountable those responsible for the dam’s reckless handling.

“The commonwealth provided for dam maintenance and climate change initiatives has failed the people,” the youths said.

While commending President Bola Tinubu’s compassionate visit and N3 billion pledge, the youths questioned setting up another fund without investigating why existing Ecological Funds (N40 billion, with Borno receiving N800 million) have failed to mitigate climate issues.

“Flooding is an existential problem worsened by leadership failures. Throwing money at environmental problems without accountability is inhumane.

“We call for investigation and accountability for dam mishandling, transparent utilization of existing funds, safe housing construction in highland areas, logistics support for temporary relocation and alternative arrangements should be made for the school closures,” the youths added.

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