Disease Outbreaks: What To Do!

3 months ago 26


In an era of nose masks and face shields, it is quite a thing of decency and kindness to see someone put it on to save others from being infected by the flu or an outbreak. According to WHO “Disease outbreaks are usually caused by an infection, transmitted through person-to-person contact, animal-to-person contact, or from the environment or other media. A disease outbreak is the occurrence of disease cases over normal expectancy. The number of cases varies according to the disease-causing agent, and the size and type of previous and existing exposure to the agent”.

What do we need to do in lieu of these when there is an outbreak. You don’t want to spread rumours about something you do not know. You also do not want to join the people who will fall victim to putting salt in the water to flush their system.

First Things First During an Outbreak: A Comprehensive Guide

In an outbreak, swift and effective action is essential to minimize the spread and impact. One thing I have learned over the years is to first save yourself to save others. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do first, presented clearly and logically:

  1. Stay Informed
  • Monitor Official Sources: Follow updates from reliable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local health departments. Your doctor is also a reliable source to get even more personalized information.
  • Understand the Disease: Learn about the symptoms, transmission methods, and recommended precautions for the specific disease. Learning never goes out of style.
  1. Assess the Situation
  • Identify Symptoms: Be aware of the symptoms in yourself and others. Having a keen eye to decipher things is a plus mark.
  • Evaluate Exposure: Determine if you or anyone around you have been exposed to the outbreak source. And be sure to follow up on the best decision to make.
  1. Personal Hygiene Practices
  • Hand Washing: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Sanitize: Use hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol when soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid Touching Face: Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  1. Practice Social Distancing
  • Maintain Distance: Keep at least 6 feet away from others.
  • Avoid Crowded Places: Stay away from large gatherings and crowded areas.
  1. Use Protective Gears
  • Wear Masks: Use masks to cover your nose and mouth, especially in situations where social distancing is difficult.
  • Gloves: Wear gloves, when necessary, particularly if you’re handling potentially contaminated items.
  1. Self-Isolation
  • Stay Home: If you’re feeling unwell or have been exposed to the disease, stay home and avoid contact with others.
  • Dedicated Space: Create a separate space in your home for sick individuals to limit the spread within the household.
  1. Seek Medical Advice
  • Contact Healthcare Providers: Call your doctor if you exhibit symptoms or believe you’ve been exposed.
  • Telehealth Services: Utilize telehealth services to get medical advice without exposing yourself or others.
  1. Inform Authorities
  • Report Cases: Inform local health authorities if you or someone you know has tested positive or is showing symptoms.
  • Follow Instructions: Adhere to guidelines and instructions provided by health officials.
  1. Community Support
  • Check on Vulnerable Neighbors: Assist elderly or immunocompromised neighbours with essential needs while maintaining social distancing.
  • Share Accurate Information: Disseminate accurate information within your community to prevent the spread of misinformation.
  1. Prepare Supplies
  • Stock Essentials: Ensure you have enough food, water, medications, and hygiene products to last for at least two weeks.
  • Avoid Hoarding: Purchase only what you need to avoid shortages.
  1. Stay Calm and Supportive
  • Manage Anxiety: Practice stress-relief techniques such as meditation, exercise, and talking to loved ones.
  • Offer Emotional Support: Be a source of comfort and reassurance for those who are anxious or affected by the outbreak. Kindness in times like this always speaks volumes of the hope there is in humanity.
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