Doguwa, Associates Donate N7m For Purchase Of Bus

3 weeks ago 44

Hon Alhassan Ado Doguwa, a member of the House of Representatives, and his associates have contributed to the propagation of Islam by donating N7 million for the purchase of a new bus. Hon Doguwa also received an award from this Islamic group for supporting Islam.

Speaking during the donation, Adyan chairman Abdulwakeel Abdulsalami welcomed guests to the 21st anniversary/Launch of the Dawah Bus, which is worth Sixty-Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Naira only (N63,500,000:00).

“Though the program came with challenges, such as the high cost of living and protests against #end bad Governance in Nigeria, we should not be discouraged as a youth. We should also know that every hardship comes with ease. We should not allow worldly things to take our Iman and forget about the day of accountability.

“Again, as a youth, I would like to draw our attention to one of the lectures delivered by our Associate Prof. IMAM MUSA OLAOFE said, I quote We should take advantage of five things before five things will come”, but I can only mention that concerns us as a youth,” he said.

He said fact states that youths today face a lot of challenges ranging from joblessness, temptations, drug abuse, and social media distraction, among others.

He, therefore, urged people to be wary of hypocrites while discharging their duties. “Please do not associate with the disbelievers and hypocrites because you will share from the calamities when the time comes.

“Let us shun the temptation of materialism, be sincere with Allah, and continue to put trust only in Allah. Moreover, despite the challenges, I am happy that we have begun the activities of the 21st anniversary with an online Quiz competition between the divisions and the branch, Visitation to motherless home.”

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