Emir Of Ilorin Warns Appointees Against Betraying Gov AbdulRazaq

1 week ago 54

The Emir of Ilorin and Chairman, Kwara State Council of Traditional Rulers, Alh Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari on Thursday warned political office holders in the against betraying the state’s governor, AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq.

Alh Sulu-Gambari emphasised that, “Anyone that betrays Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, betrays Ilorin”, warning political office holders of the dire consequences of act of betrayal.

The Emir spoke when the Mutawali of Ilorin, Dr Alimi AbdulRazaq led family members, associates, members of the State Executive Council and well wishers on a ‘thank you’ visit to the Emir’s palace in Ilorin, the state capital on the title of Sardauna of Ilorin confered on Governor AbdulRazaq.

The monarch recalled that his own father, the 9th Emir of Ilorin, Alh Sulukarnaini Gambari also gave similar warning to the commissioners serving under the late General AbdulKareem Adisa in Oyo State when they accompanied Adisa to the palace in 1992.

He poured encomiums on Alimi and AbdulRahman who are sons of the first Mutawali of Ilorin, the late AGF AbdulRazaq (SAN).

The Emir said that the two brothers earned the titles bestowed on them by the palace, emphasising that, “They merited the titles. We don’t give award to people who do not merit it. I thank Allah for their lives.”

Describing Governor AbdulRazaq as a blessing to Ilorin Emirate, the Emir said his appointment as the chairman of the Nigeria’s Governors Forum (NGF) is a show of Allah’ s love for Ilorin Emirate and testament to answered prayers.

“Governor AbdulRazaq earned his appointment as NGF chairman because it takes a knowledgeable person to lead such a group of knowledgeable personalities.

“The Almighty Allah will answer Governor AbdulRazaq’s prayers and further elevate him. He’s doing well and has been bringing fortunes to the state and Ilorin, “Sulu-Gambari declared.

Earlier, Dr AbdulRazaq pledged allegiance to the Emir, assuring him that he and Governor AbdulRazaq will justify the confidence reposed in them.

He added that, “We shall deliver excellently on the task that Your Royal Highness assigned us through the titles of Mutawali and Sardauna bestowed on us.”

Alimi who spoke through Dr Yusuf Lawal said, “We come with our family members, friends and well wishers to thank the Emir. It’s rare for a family to have two distinct titles- Mutawali and Sardauna of Ilorin at the same time.

“Our family members and friends are happy that their sons got the titles based on their pedigree and conduct and consideration for the future of Ilorin, ” Alimi said.

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