Expert Recommends Technical Writers To Improve API Documentation For Product Dev’t

2 hours ago 1

Deborah Emeni is a seasoned Senior Technical Writer and Documentation Engineer at TexUnited, a software company that simplifies the translation of websites through language technology. In this interview with KINGSLEY OKOH, she shares her insights on the significance of Application Programming Interface (API) documentation and the impact of technical writing on product success.

What advice would you give to companies looking to improve their API documentation and technical writing practices?

My advice would be to involve technical writers early in the product development cycle. Don’t wait until the end to bring them to write the documentation. When technical writers are part of the design and development discussions, they can help shape the product in ways that make it more user-friendly from the start.
Also, companies should prioritise feedback loops. Get feedback from developers who use the API and update the documentation regularly. APIs evolve, and so should the documentation.

The goal is to make the integration process as smooth and enjoyable as possible for developers. Companies should prioritize feedback loops from developers who use the API documentation regularly

You have built an impressive career as a technical writer and software engineer. Why is quality API documentation so crucial to product success?

API documentation is the bridge between a product and the developers using it. When developers integrate APIs, they rely heavily on the documentation to understand how to make things work. If the documentation is unclear, missing important details, or overly complicated, it creates friction.

Friction slows everything down – development timelines, adoption rates, and product success. On the other hand, when API documentation is great, developers can easily understand and interact with the product, reducing friction, saving time, and minimising errors. It’s the difference between developers loving or dreading your product.

What are some best practices you’ve found effective in creating developer-friendly documentation?

The key is clarity and structure. Developers often want to jump in and start building, so the documentation needs to guide them through this process seamlessly. I focus on simple step-by-step guides, comprehensive examples, and error-handling tips.

It’s also important to consider accessibility. Documentation should be easy to navigate, with intuitive headings, search functions, and a glossary for technical terms. Regularly updating the documentation as the API evolves is another crucial factor.

What strategies do you use to make documentation easy to understand for both experienced developers and those new to the technology?

Making API documentation accessible to both experienced developers and newcomers requires a balance between depth and simplicity. One strategy I use is to make the documentation layered.

This means starting with the essentials like an overview, getting started guide, or quick start tutorial so that beginners can get up and running quickly. Then, for more experienced developers, there’s detailed, in-depth information such as comprehensive API references, advanced use cases, and customisation options.

I also focus on providing relatable examples. Real-world, executable code snippets are essential, as they allow developers of any level to see exactly how an API should be used.

Beyond documentation, what other roles do technical writers play in the broader success of a product?

Technical writers are crucial in aligning communication between teams. Whether it’s developers, product managers, or end-users, we often serve as the bridge between the technical and non-technical sides of the product, ensuring that every aspect is communicated and understood.

For instance, we can help ensure that marketing materials align with what the product does or provide troubleshooting guides that help reduce support ticket volume. This holistic approach supports a product’s long-term success by making it more user-friendly and reducing friction throughout the development lifecycle.

How do you see the role of technical writing evolving as technology advances?

As technology advances, the demand for simple and accurate documentation will only grow. Technical writers will continue to be key players in breaking down these complex systems into understandable terms for developers and end-users alike.

I also see more interactive and dynamic forms of documentation becoming popular, as well as the integration of artificial intelligence to assist with updates and real-time support. Regardless of the format, the core of technical writing, making the complex simple, will remain critical for product success.

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