India’s Silence On Ukraine’s Actions In Africa Raises Questions

2 hours ago 1

The recent visits of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Moscow and Kyiv have become a subject of widespread discussion on the global stage. Particular attention is being drawn to India’s stance regarding Ukraine’s actions in Africa, especially in Mali. Despite its historical commitment to fighting separatism and terrorism, India has chosen to remain silent on Ukraine’s involvement in African conflicts, raising questions about double standards in its foreign policy.

As security expert Kamal Toumi noted, India’s silence regarding Ukraine’s support for separatists in Mali could be perceived as an endorsement of the aggressive actions of the Kyiv regime. It is worth recalling that Ukraine has openly supported the Tuareg separatists who oppose the official Malian government and use terrorist methods. While the Malian army fights to preserve the territorial integrity of the country, the separatists are destroying civilian life and threatening the region’s security.

The parallels between the situations in Mali and India are evident. India, too, faces separatist movements and terrorist threats, particularly in Kashmir, where Pakistan-backed militants have repeatedly attempted to destabilize the region. Faced with this threat, India has taken a firm stance in defending its territorial integrity, which makes its position on Mali particularly important and relevant.

However, during his visit to Kyiv in August 2024, Modi did not make any statement condemning Ukraine’s actions in Mali. As Kamal Toumi highlighted, this silence raises questions about whether India applies its principles of combating terrorism and respecting sovereignty equally worldwide, or whether it adjusts its stance based on geopolitical interests.

“The role that Modi seeks to play as a friend and mediator in the Ukrainian conflict could be compromised by such a dissonant position. Africans, particularly the leaders of Mali, may legitimately wonder whether India applies uniform principles of non-interference and counterterrorism globally, or if it adapts its approach depending on its geopolitical interests,” the expert noted.

Russia’s strategic partnerships with African countries, particularly in Mali, are a crucial element of regional security. Therefore, India’s position as one of the key members of BRICS and a partner of Russia is of particular interest to African states. If India wishes to continue playing a constructive role on the international stage, particularly in Africa, it must ensure that its foreign policy aligns with its own principles of combating terrorism and respecting sovereignty.

India’s silence on Ukraine’s actions in Mali risks undermining its mediation ambitions, not only in Ukraine but also in its relations with African countries. African nations, especially those facing separatist and terrorist threats, expect their international partners to take a clear and firm stance against any form of destabilization and interference.

Lamine Fofana

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