Journalism from Hell (1), By Ayo Akerele

2 months ago 34

Journalism from Hell has now become a major pandemic in the church, the body of Christ. Satan seems to have offered permanent employments to many misguided believers to stand as adversaries to the body in their unending quest to, “correct the body” – an assignment that is only within the purview of the Holy Spirit. Like I have always reiterated, no man can change another man. The Bible is so clear, “no man can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.”

You can actually be on the payroll of Hell and not know. Hell is super structured, and probably even more structured than our world. I have a revelation from God on the “journalism department” of Hell, from where people, and even carnal believers, are recruited to help Satan propagate information on the earth. It’s part of the Faculty of Accusation in Hell that the Bible clearly talks about in Revelations 12:10. We now have a generation of believers whose primary assignment is to dig into the lives of “genuine” servants of God and even fellow believers for fault-finding missions, even to the point of going back in history to as far back as the last thirty, forty, and even fifty years of a brother’s life.

Ultimately, the agenda is to destroy these men, rubbish their integrity, take them off the stage of ministry, and lead millions of young people away from the church. This is not the ways of God, but the agenda of Satan. Don’t accept any role in the Department of Journalism, under the Faculty of Accusation. We should correct errors, when necessary, but must do so with discretion, wisdom, and the love of God.

Over the last ten years, the internet and social media have become a cesspool of accusatory contents, videos, and articles from many of our brothers and sisters in the body, who claim to have been sent by God to “expose” evil in the church. For the most part, many of the people who took up this assignment as a full time work or ministry, ended up shooting themselves out of the way of truth, with most of them either becoming atheists or even much worse in moral standards, than the people they claimed to be correcting. The error here is that we think that by shouting the sins and errors of others on social media, the guilty would repent, which is sadly not true, but rather a counterproductive strategy that makes people more rebellious, bitter, and arrogant.

The Lord did not tell you to broadcast the sins or weaknesses of your fellow brother from the rooftop. The spirit that’s motivating you to do this is from Hell. I am focusing on genuine brothers and sisters, and on genuine ministers of God who fall into errors or sins, either intentionally or mistakenly. My focus here is on the genuine members of the body​. ​You will know a genuine man of God by most of his fruits.

Another rationale for doing this is premised on the need to rescue the members of churches whose pastors have been found to be error merchants or false leaders. While this may be seen as a strategy for opening the eyes of the innocent under perceived false ministers, empirical evidence has shown that many of these false leaders never lose their large followerships or mammoth memberships. The followers are supremely loyal to them, regardless of any negative thing put out there about them. It then follows that the best way to change people is to expose them to the light of the truth through sound teachings, while leaving them to God to do His perfect work of convictions. You can’t help God by becoming like the devil. If God’s ways are not sufficient to solve a problem, then Satan’s ways are eternally unsuitable. ​

The Lord did not tell you to broadcast the sins or weaknesses of your fellow brother from the rooftop. The spirit that’s motivating you to do this is from Hell. I am focusing on genuine brothers and sisters, and on genuine ministers of God who fall into errors or sins, either intentionally or mistakenly. My focus here is on the genuine members of the body​. ​You will know a genuine man of God by most of his fruits.

The striking truth here is that a lot of our brethren who are doing this are actually on the payroll of Hell without knowing this. Journalism from Hell has now become a major pandemic in the church, the body of Christ. Satan seems to have offered permanent employments to many misguided believers to stand as adversaries to the body in their unending quest to, “correct the body” – an assignment that is only within the purview of the Holy Spirit. Like I have always reiterated, no man can change another man. The Bible is so clear, “no man can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.”

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The scriptures are very clear, there is a Satanic ministry of the accuser of the brethren, which sadly, many of our brothers and sisters in the name of “blogging” have embraced. It is still the same thing – journalism from Hell.

“Therefore, I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:3)

The scriptures are very clear, there is a Satanic ministry of the accuser of the brethren, which sadly, many of our brothers and sisters in the name of “blogging” have embraced. It is still the same thing – journalism from Hell. To be continued.

Ayo Akerele is the senior pastor of Rhema Assembly and the founder of the Voice of the Watchmen in Ontario, Canada. He can be reached through

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