Let God Prove Them Wrong

2 months ago 44

Isaiah 53:4-5

God bless you, as I begin to read from the book of Isaiah 53:4-5. I will like you to take special note of this very short message, because it is something you can do for yourself at home, something you can personally put to practice, and it will certainly work for you (I tell you). The principles of scriptures are eternal.

In Isaiah 53:4-5. The only power that can now bring it back, they are the powers we pray against in MFM (owners of evil load).

Jesus is still the healer, Jesus the healer has not changed. Whether it’s physical problem or spiritual problem, He has not changed in removing them. The Bible says ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever’.

So, God is not only able to remove grief and sickness and diseases, but He’s willing to remove them. So, your body, soul and spirit, they are God’s property. They are the property of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, any prayer for healing is warfare prayer.

There are seven steps we are going to take this morning, that’s why I said you should listen carefully.

You want to deal with physical and spiritual affliction?, there are seven steps we are going to take this morning, which you can do on your own too:

  1. Praises. The Bible says ‘God inhabits the praises of His people’. The Bible says ‘God is glorious in holiness and fearful in praises’. When you begin to praise God, God becomes fearful to your enemies.
  2. You need to now plead the Blood of Jesus, the ever efficacious Blood of Jesus. His blood that speaks better things, you plead that Blood of Jesus.
  3. Pray to remove the pain and the cause of that pain, and a simple prayer will do that, “Every root and power of pain in my body, get out in the name of Jesus”! A simple prayer does that one.
  4. Bind the strongman. There is a strongman behind every infirmity, a principality assigned to supervise that sickness, a principality assigned to supervise that affliction.

I am praying for somebody reading this message,  that every inherited strongman of your father’s house, that are saying you will not have peace; with a seven fold Amen, they must die in the name of Jesus!

You must bind the strongman. Jesus said ‘no man can enter into a strongman’s house and take his hoods without binding that strongman’. The strong man has a warehouse where he’s keeping people’s property, their wealth, their wealth, their children, their husband, you must bind that strongman, with another simple prayer:

“I bind every strongman behind your infirmity”.

  1. Cast out that demon of infirmity, cast out the spirit of infirmity. Jesus said ‘I have given unto you power to thread upon serpents and scorpions, and every power of the enemy’, he said ‘whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven’, but you must bind it here first before heaven will respond.
  2. You now kill the& disease with words, and you can do that with simple prayer and by scriptural confessions, that “every sickness in my body, every affliction in my body, dry up and die in the name of Jesus”. You can also kill it, by pronouncing the curse of God upon the infirmity. You can issue curses against infirmity troubling you.
  3. You must speak healing into your body, because if a spirit of infirmity has been hiding somewhere, and tormenting the place, during the tormenting period; they destroy things. So the mere fact that they’ve been removed from the place, does not mean every trouble is gone. You must institute a repair, which is the healing process.

One day, a woman travelled all the way from United Kingdom,for the water of fire program like this. She came in with a big goiter on her neck, huge, but she came to the program. As she was drinking the water, she was hearing sound. Immediately she finished drinking that bottle of water, the goiter had vanished.

She didn’t come out to testify, because she had a flight to catch and she was running back. I got to know about this, when I wanted to travel and I arrived at the airport, and the immigration officer said “ha, you’re G.O of the Mountain of Fire Ministries. He said “there has been a small confusion here, a woman was going to travel out, and we looked at the picture, we found out that her face was no longer the same.with the  picture that we found on her passport”. She revealed that God healed her through you.

There is someone here today, when you drink the water the annual fire water,  what the enemy said is not possible for you, shall be possible for you, in the name of Jesus!

And the power, that have been draining your glory, they shall all of a sudden be silenced, in the name of Jesus!

Not only that, any power offering sacrifices of any kind against you, their sacrifices shall disgrace them, in the name of Jesus!

Prayer Rain

  1. Foundational power, saying I will not celebrate, are you my God; scatter, in the mighty name of Jesus!
  1. O Lord my Father, in your move here this morning, do not pass me by, in the name of Jesus!

Prayer For Lagos State

  1. Power of the waters, harassing Lagos, lose your hold, in the mighty name of Jesus!
  1. Lagos (3x), continue to be a star of attraction, in the mighty name of Jesus!

Prayer For Ogun State

  1. O Lord, let power of peace, progress and economic prosperity, come upon Ogun state, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Thou rain of blessing, fruitfulness, adequate security; begin to fall upon Ogun state, in the name of Jesus!

Prayer For Nigeria:

  1. O God of Elijah (2ce), deliver Nigeria from mysterious bewitchment, by fire today, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Ancient of days, by your mercy, take over the governorship and rulership of Nigeria, and restore her glory fully, in the name of Jesus!

Prayer For The World

  1. Powers of darkness over the whole world, clear away, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Kingdom of Christ, come into every nation by fire, in the name of Jesus!

Avenge me of my adversaries

  1. My enemies shall replace me in the grave, in the name of Jesus!
  1. O God arise, give me one big miracle, in the name of Jesus!
  1. O God arise, give me one big miracle, in the name of Jesus!

Blood Of Jesus, Speak For Me , Hebrews 13:20

  1. Voice of the Blood of Jesus, kill every seed of sickness, stagnation and failure in my life, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Blood of Jesus, speak peace to every stormy area of my life, in the name of Jesus!
  1. I take my place, in life and destiny, by the power in the Blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus!

I Shall Not Die, But I Shall Live; by Pastor Isaiah 8:18

  1. Spirit of death and hell, looking for where to strike, my life and my family are not your candidate, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Voice from the grave, commanding me to appear, I judge you today, die, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Sickness programmed unto death in my body, programmed into my bones, programmed into my blood; expire, in the name of Jesus!
  1. O Lord my Father, when the saints are matching in, I will be in their number, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Every root and power of affliction in my body, get out now, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Strongman behind my affliction, I bind you now, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Spirit of infirmity, my body is not your habitation, get out, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Every sickness in my body, dry up and die, in the name of Jesus!
  1. By the power in the Blood of Jesus, I receive my healing now, in the name of Jesus!
  1. My head, hear the word of the Lord: arise and shine, in the name of Jesus!
  1. I fire back, every arrow fired into my brain, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Owners of evil load, my head is not your candidate, carry your load, in the name of Jesus!

There are seven quick prayers I want you to pray, they are called “prayers to possess your possession, and to put every strongman sitting on your possessions to shame”. We are moving close to the end of this meeting. There are special Angels of God are already arriving here now. This is not a day to negotiate, this is not at e to joke, make sure you participate in this very brief prayer meeting. Make sure there is none of these seven prayers that finds you wanting:

  1. My virtues in the womb of darkness, jump out, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Battle of the mighty, against my destiny, expire, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Every grave cloth, fighting my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Battles that wants me to be put to shame, die, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Any power facing the moon to attack me, any power sitting on a mat to attack me; die, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Powers attacking my testimonies, you’re a liar, die, in the name of Jesus!
  1. Powers desperate to destroy my glory, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.

God bless you.

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