LG Autonomy: Akpabio Calls For Fair Local Gov’t Elections  

2 months ago 3

Senate President Godwill Akpabio has called for impartial local government elections following Thursday’s ruling of the Supreme Court on the local government autonomy.

Speaking to State House correspondents after meeting with President Bola Tinubu, Akpabio emphasised the need for participation from all political parties in local government elections.

The ruling, which underscores the importance of local government autonomy and the separation of powers, was filed at the apex court by the Attorney General of the Federation on behalf of the Federal Government.

Akpabio expressed his support for the judgement, stating, “The Supreme Court has spoken, and we have no option but to abide by its ruling. I urge all states to respect this decision.

“We will return to the legislature to ensure its full implementation. The words of the Supreme Court are akin to the words of a king; they must be implemented.”

He praised the judgement as a victory for democracy and lauded President Tinubu’s initiative.

Akpabio noted that the ruling affirms local government administration as a crucial government arm meant for grassroots development by allowing local governments to undertake projects independently.

“This is a great day for democracy and the beginning of great things to come,” he added.

Addressing the issue of governors not conducting local government elections, Akpabio highlighted the need for fair elections at that level.

He pointed out that many political parties, especially those not in power at the state level, often show little interest in local elections due to a perceived lack of fairness.

“I have seen the judgement and will study it further. We need to ensure real elections at the local government level, working with the Attorney General’s office and parliament to restore confidence in the electoral process.

“This ruling is progress for democracy, and we congratulate the justices of the Supreme Court.

We in parliament are determined to ensure its enforceability,” Akpabio stated.

For his part, the Attorney-General of the Federation , Lateef Fagbemi welcomed the Supreme Court’s ruling describing it as a landmark decision for local government autonomy.

According to him, “Naturally, one will be happy, should be happy. Nigerians are happy about it.

“This judgement has truly emancipated local governments from the shackles of the past, and I hope local government officials will see it as an opportunity to develop their various local governments.”

Addressing how this will be enforced, the Attorney-General noted, “The ball is in the court of the governors. Let us see what they will come out with. The judgement is clear on what they should do and the consequences of failing or refusing to follow the Supreme Court’s ruling, which takes immediate effect.”

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