Muhammad Fethullah Gülen (27 April 1941 – 20 October 2024)

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Lo! Those unto whom kindness hath gone forth before from Us, they wilt be far removed from thence. They will not hear the slightest sound thereof, while they abide in that which their souls desire. The Supreme Horror will not grieve them, and the angels will welcome them, (saying): This is your Day which ye were promised;

(Al-Ambiyaa, 22:101-103)

This is a tribute to Sheikh Fethullah Gülen and an exposition of what I learnt from his life, movement and much more through my interactions with his followers here in Nigeria. Hardly would any individual in this century surpass Sheikh Fethullah in influencing millions of people worldwide to change society for the better through their teachings, writings and philosophy. As I reflect upon the profound teachings of Sheikh Fethullah Gülen, I find myself drawn to his words and the embodiment of his ideals as witnessed among his followers in our midst. Their unwavering commitment to education, dialogue, and interfaith harmony speaks volumes of the legacy he has fostered. Through schools burgeoning with enlightenment and community initiatives that blossom with compassion, it is evident that a spark of hope ignites where his philosophy is embraced.

Impact of Gülen’s Teachings

Indeed, the principles he championed—service to humanity, the pursuit of knowledge, and the embrace of understanding—echo far beyond borders and cultures. His followers serve as beacons of light in a world often beset by conflict and division, striving to bridge gaps and build connections. They instil a sense of responsibility in the youth, encouraging them to cultivate academic prowess and moral integrity, fostering a generation that is both learned and ethical. Through education and strategic planning, Gülen disciples, at a time, controlled robust portfolios in the police force, the judiciary and other paramilitary organisations. Many were members of the Turkish parliament. The Hizmet movement made inroads into media establishments, owning newspaper companies and radio and television stations. In the financial sector, Hizmet had a bank, Bank Asya and controlled many business outfits within Turkish society.

Contributions to Education and Society

“I really don’t know 0.1% of the people in this movement”, Gülen once said. “I haven’t done much. I have just spoken out on what I believe. Because it made sense, people grasped it themselves.” “I opened one school to see if people liked it. So, they created more schools.” Of course, it made sense. From that one school sprang more than 300 in Turkey and over 1000 worldwide; “these schools have consistently promoted good learning and citizenship, and the Hizmet movement is to date an evidently admirable civil society organisation to build bridges between religious communities and to provide direct service on behalf of the common good”. His followers have established some universities as well. Surprisingly, Sheikh Fethullah had never visited any of these schools and universities. He only inspired the followers, and they spread the message to the world. They are not Islamic schools per se; they hardly teach Islam or offer religious subjects. The curricula of the schools vary from country to country. The pupils are from diverse cultures and religions. Gülen schools heavily emphasise instruction in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In his sermons, Gülen has reportedly stated: “Studying physics, mathematics, and chemistry is worshipping God.”

With all this influence, ‘Gülen had resided at the Hizmet movement-affiliated Chestnut Retreat Center, a wooded estate… in Pennsylvania. About thirty people live and work on the estate, owned by the Golden Generation Foundation. Gülen’s own living quarters and study were within a pair of small rooms, whose rent he paid out of his publishing royalties and which contained a mattress on the floor, prayer mat, desk, bookshelves, and treadmill, within one of the estate’s several structures, among which is a hall used as a mosque.’

Political Context and Extradition Request

The Turkish government falsely accused Fethullah Gülen of orchestrating a failed coup attempt in July 2016. The coup led to significant violence and turmoil, resulting in widespread purges across Turkey. The Turkish authorities swiftly pointed fingers at Gülen, asserting that his movement, Hizmet, was responsible despite a lack of concrete evidence linking him to the coup.

The United States government responded to Turkey’s extradition request with scepticism, emphasising the need for tangible evidence to support the claims against Gülen. U.S. officials highlighted the importance of due process and the legal standards to be met before extradition can be considered. This refusal to extradite was met with frustration from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who accused the U.S. of harbouring a terrorist at a time when Gülen was described in the English-language media as an imam “who promoted a tolerant Islam which emphasises altruism, hard work, and education” and as “one of the world’s most important Muslim figures.”

The coup accusations were politically motivated and aimed at consolidating Erdoğan’s power by suppressing dissent. Gülen denied any involvement in the coup attempt, asserting his commitment to non-violence and democracy. The diplomatic tension surrounding the case continues to strain U.S.-Turkey relations, reflecting broader geopolitical complexities.

Interfaith Dialogue

Fethullah Gülen advocated interfaith dialogue and harmony, promoting a tolerant interpretation of Islam. He has encouraged Muslims and individuals from various faiths to engage in meaningful conversations, fostering understanding and respect among different religious communities. Gülen’s vision of cooperation and dialogue was based on his belief that mutual respect among faiths was essential for peaceful coexistence and societal development. His efforts aimed to build bridges and promote unity in an increasingly polarised world.


In the aftermath of the July 2016 coup attempt in Turkey, the government initiated widespread purges targeting individuals and organisations affiliated with Fethullah Gülen. The purges resulted in the dismissal and arrest of over 100,000 public servants, with significant numbers from the military, judiciary, and educational systems. This campaign aimed to eradicate Gülen’s influence within Turkish state institutions.

Beyond Turkey’s borders, the government also sought to diminish Gülen’s global presence, explicitly targeting his network of schools and educational institutions. Turkish authorities pressured foreign governments to close these schools, often portraying them as part of a terrorist organisation. In various countries, Turkish officials launched campaigns to confiscate Gülen-affiliated institutions and curb their operations, arguing that they spread Gülenist ideology.

Many of these schools, which once enjoyed reputations for quality education, faced closure or were taken over by the Turkish government or its supporters. This international effort reflected Turkey’s broader strategy to suppress any remnants of Gülen’s influence domestically and in the diaspora. They gained no good!

Enduring Influence of Gülen

Despite the purges in Turkey and the confiscation of Gulen-affiliated schools abroad, his influence has endured. Gülen’s emphasis on education, tolerance, and social engagement has deeply resonated with many, creating a legacy transcending institutional affiliations. The values he promoted will continue to inspire followers across various platforms, including social media and community organisations. Additionally, the global network established by Gülen’s movement remains active, fostering connections among adherents. Rather than extinguishing Gülen’s impact, the repressive measures galvanised his supporters, ensuring that his philosophical and educational contributions persist in various forms.

As I converse with individuals inspired by Sheikh Fethullah Gülen’s vision, I am continually reminded of the universality of his message. The ethos of love, respect, and mutual understanding is a call to humanity that transcends the realm of religion, emerging instead as a fundamental truth that ought to guide our interactions with one another. In the end, it is not merely the words we share but the lives we touch that define our legacy, and in this, the impact of Sheikh Fethullah’s teachings remains immeasurable.

The impact of his philosophy manifests itself splendidly in various facets of society, particularly within the realm of education. His followers have established institutions that are not just centres of learning but sanctuaries for shared values and ethical development. These educational havens cultivate critical thinkers who are adept in their respective fields and equipped with a moral compass that guides them towards service and stewardship. The narrative of their success intertwines with Sheikh Gülen’s vision, demonstrating that education can indeed be a powerful catalyst for social transformation.

In these turbulent times, where division often threatens to overshadow our shared humanity, the spirit of collaboration championed by Sheikh Gülen is paramount. His followers in Nigeria and around the world exemplify this by engaging in interfaith dialogues, fostering discussions that honour every voice while respecting the integrity of diverse beliefs. Through these dialogues, barriers dissolve, and friendships blossom, illustrating that genuine understanding is attainable when we approach one another with open hearts and minds.


In contemplating the life and teachings of Fethullah Gülen, it becomes evident that his foresight, love for knowledge, asceticism, tolerance, and commitment to peaceful coexistence with members of other faiths mark the essence of his legacy. Gülen’s vision extends beyond mere ideological discourse; it encapsulates a holistic approach to nurturing the human spirit and cultivating societies steeped in mutual respect and understanding.


O Allah! Indeed, Sheikh Fethullah Gülen is under Your protection and in Your security cable. Save him from the distress of the grave and chastisement of the Fire. You fulfil promises and grant rights. Forgive him and have mercy on him. Most assuredly, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful.

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