No possession without increase (2), By Sunday Adelaja

4 weeks ago 4

Right now, the voice of God is coming to you that you should begin to strategise, plan, draw out tactics, methodologies, of how your business would take over that particular sphere of business where you are. You were placed there by God for a reason. You need to possess the land for the glory of the KING! There is no possession without increase. Every increase must lead to possessions.

A Command to Increase 

At the very heart of creation, God had increase in mind. That is why he commanded man to not just be fruitful, but to multiply his fruits. It is God’s blessing to us all and at the same time it is his commandment to all of us. God desires your increase. In your relationships, in your leadership, in your service and stewardship, in your business, etc. Everything you are involved with must bring increase. We are fortunate to know this truth.

At times, people who have experienced limited amount of success could be intimidated into thinking it is not the will of God for them to increase. A pastor, for example, could say; even though I have a small church, yet that is not what matters. What matters is that I am faithful. Again, I don’t think faithfulness in one’s duty replaces the need for increase. What would be ideal in my thinking will be to both be faithful and increase.

“One of the ways you can transform your ordinary day into extraordinary is to master your craft. By thinking of yourself as a craftsman, you can think of your work as your art.” ― Anonymous

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Some other people who are in business might say things like: I am not called to build a great enterprise or big business. But the truth is even as you are building your small business, still that small business needs to experience some form of increase and growth. Otherwise, you will be starving yourself of inspiration. You would soon discover that you don’t have enough encouragements in what you are doing. That will sooner or later lead to disillusionment. Everybody wants to experience some form of pleasure in whatever they are doing. One of the sure ways of doing that is by seeing increase in your endeavours or result.

“The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.” ― C. Joy Bell C.

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Principles of Increase 

Most people who give excuses for the lack of growth simply don’t know how to apply the principles of increase. One of those principles of increase that provides enough demand for growth is vision. When an individual or organisation is driven by a given vision, increase is practically inevitable. Vision is a strong tool for increase.

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” ― John F. Kennedy

As important as increase is, it is not an end in itself. Increase is supposed to lead to possession. Any form of increase should be directed at possessing something. A sphere of influence, an area of the market, an aspect of business, influence, etc. No matter where you are involved with, your increase must have a purpose. Your increase needs to lead to some form of possession or the other.

Another very significant tool to increase is what not too many people talk about – the force of drive. We don’t normally encourage people to have a drive. We at times rather discourage people who already have drive to mellow it down. The truth is that drive is a force of increase. Men and women who possess drive record more increase than those who are passive.

Another factor that easily secures continuous increase is the ability to build systems. Systems provide the necessary predictability, which continuous increase demands for. It is possible to build a system that could assure you of increase on constant basis.

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Skills or professionalism is another factor of growth. Simply put, know your wares. Be on top of your stuff. Know what you are doing. Be good in something. Strive to be the best in your trade. That on its own would secure you continuous increase.

Another factor of increase is self-development. Through this, you continuously fortify yourself for the next level of increase. Most of the time, yesterday’s level of increase will not be enough to secure tomorrow’s increase. For that we will need another level of self-development. The more you know, the more you can do. The more you do, the bigger you become.

Increase Must Lead To Possession

As important as increase is, it is not an end in itself. Increase is supposed to lead to possession. Any form of increase should be directed at possessing something. A sphere of influence, an area of the market, an aspect of business, influence, etc. No matter where you are involved with, your increase must have a purpose. Your increase needs to lead to some form of possession or the other.

Going back to the book of Genesis 1:28: “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

As you are increasing, you are supposed to be believing God that this idea that he has given to you, will increase until it gets to a state of full possession of the land, city or nation, where God has planted you. Every increase has purpose. That purpose is possession!

From the scripture above, God has so much interest in us increasing that He actually blessed us to increase. In his blessing, however, a close examination reveals that God’s desire does not end in the increase or multiplication of his children. He goes ahead to expatiate on his blessings to us. Our multiplication must increase till it fills the earth. That right there is possession!

Ladies and gentlemen, where are you involved in? Are you in business? According to this passage, God himself is interested in you being blessed. His interest, however, goes beyond your blessing. For too often, we seem to get satisfied that we are blessed. God wants you to look beyond your blessings. He wants you to begin to plan for increase. Increase must become your natural desire. But even when you can testify that you have some amount of increase or the other, God still doesn’t want you to get satisfied.

Right now, the voice of God is coming to you that you should begin to strategise, plan, draw out tactics, methodologies, of how your business would take over that particular sphere of business where you are. You were placed there by God for a reason. You need to possess the land for the glory of the KING! There is no possession without increase. Every increase must lead to possessions.

Do you have an idea? What are your dreams and aspirations concerning that idea? Do you just want to see it increase? Or you are glad if it is simply blessed? God’s aspiration however goes far beyond that. As you are increasing, you are supposed to be believing God that this idea that he has given to you, will increase until it gets to a state of full possession of the land, city or nation, where God has planted you. Every increase has purpose. That purpose is possession!

Are you a young family that is rejoicing for your increase? Do you plant the seed of possession in every one of those members of your family? Do you sow the seed of possession in your sons and daughters? Do they know why they are here and what they are here for? Are they aware that they carry the DNA of God almighty himself and his mandate to possess the earth for him?

Perhaps you are a teacher, a lecturer, a professor, a guardian, a leader. Do you instill in your followers the mission of possession? Are your pupils aware that the purpose of their learning is not to give exams in the classes and forget about it? Are they aware that they are supposed to take that knowledge and increase it, until they possess an area of the earth for God almighty? You professors, what do you teach your students? Do you instill in them the spirit of possession? You leaders, where do you lead your people to? Do you sow in them the seed of possession?

Sunday Adelaja is a Nigerian born leader, transformation strategist, pastor and innovator. He was based in Ukraine.

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