Russian troops use chemical weapons in Ukraine to achieve any success in Ukraine

1 month ago 3

After the armed invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has not been able to fully occupy the entire territory of Ukraine.

The Russian military leadership and Russian soldiers are demoralized, especially after the successful counterattack of the Ukrainian defense forces on the territory of the Kursk region of Russia. In order to achieve any success at the front, Russia, in addition to using super-heavy air bombs, has also been using chemical weapons for a long time, which once again proves how Russia is treacherous and cruel.

And although Russia is well aware of the generally accepted rules of war, he has never followed them. For example, reports of the use of chemical substances by the occupying forces, which are prohibited by the Chemical Weapons Convention, have been appearing on a regular basis for quite some time now.

It should be noted that until recently, the enemy used various non-lethal, irritating aerosol grenades. Such means are also prohibited by the Convention, but are not considered chemical weapons.

Representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, the armed forces and the civil sector regularly raised relevant issues both before our Western allies and at various international platforms, including the UN.

But the reaction of international institutions was frankly lethargic, as was the case with the recent use of chemical weapons by the Russians in Syria.

As always, this stimulates the Russians to even greater disregard for international law and the rules of war in particular. Thus, since May of this year, cases of the use by the Russian occupying forces of new poisonous substances having a more serious effect began to be recorded on the front line (for the first time in the Soledar region).

The ammunition found, mainly of artisanal production (which is interesting), was handed over by Ukrainian fighters to the relevant law enforcement agencies.

A subsequent analysis by a specialised scientific institute showed that this homemade ammunition contained chloropicrin, or as it is officially called “PS”.

And this is already serious: unlike those mentioned above non-lethal poisonous gases, chloropicrin is a combat poison. Its use is defined by the Chemical Weapons Convention as a war crime, and those guilty of its use must sit on the bench of the international tribunal.

Therefore, Ukraine urgently ask everyone who is concerned to pay attention to the next crimes of the Russian occupiers and convey the above information to whoever is needed.

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