Seven ways to keep your kids safe in rainy season

3 months ago 28

The rainy season brings a refreshing change, replenishing water resources and nurturing plant life.

However, it also brings its share of challenges, especially regarding keeping children safe.

The increased moisture and cool temperatures can create an environment conducive to various health risks and accidents.

Parents must be vigilant and take proactive measures to ensure their kids remain safe and healthy during this season.

Here are seven essential ways to keep your kids safe in the rainy season.

Get rain gear

One of the most fundamental steps in ensuring children’s safety during the rainy season is equipping them with the appropriate rain gear, said safety expert and emergency consultant, Miracle Morgan.

This gear, according to him, includes waterproof jackets, raincoats, umbrellas, and rain boots.

He said, “Waterproof jackets and raincoats should be made of breathable, waterproof material to keep your child dry while allowing air circulation to prevent overheating. Hoods are crucial for protecting the head and face from getting wet.

“Small, lightweight umbrellas designed for children can be very handy. Make sure they are easy for your child to open and close.

“These should be comfortable and have non-slip soles to prevent slipping on wet surfaces. They should also be high enough to keep feet dry in puddles.”

He added that having the right gear not only keeps children dry but also prevents them from catching colds and other illnesses associated with being wet and cold for extended periods.

Prevent waterborne diseases

Recently, the Lagos State Government has issued a call for heightened vigilance and the adoption of precautionary measures to prevent the spread of a potential cholera outbreak in the State.

This call follows an excess of severe gastroenteritis cases reported in Lagos in the last 48 hours.

Speaking on the surveillance reports reaching his desk in the Ministry of Health, Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Prof Akin Abayomi, disclosed that cases of severe gastroenteritis have been reported in communities around Eti-Osa, Lagos Island, Ikorodu and Kosofe LGA, resulting in about 60 hospital admissions, and sadly five deaths have been recorded mainly from patients presenting late with extreme dehydration.

A medical practitioner, Dr Peterson Jumbo, said the rainy season could lead to water contamination, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid. Ensuring access to clean water is vital.

Speaking further, he said, “Always boil drinking water or use water purifiers to eliminate harmful microorganisms.

“Ensure that children wash their hands thoroughly with soap and clean water, especially before eating.

“Prevent children from playing in or near stagnant water, which can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other harmful insects.”

He added that educating children on the importance of these practices can significantly reduce their risk of contracting waterborne illnesses.

Protect kids from mosquitoes

The rainy season often sees a spike in mosquito populations, leading to an increased risk of diseases like malaria and dengue fever.

Jumbo added that the use of child-safe insect repellents on exposed skin, especially during the early morning and evening hours when mosquitoes are most active.

He added, “Ensure that your child sleeps under a mosquito net, particularly if living in areas prone to mosquito-borne diseases.

“Regularly empty and clean containers that collect rainwater. Ensure that water tanks, flower pots, and other receptacles are covered or turned over to prevent mosquito breeding.

“Combining these methods helps create a multi-layered defence against mosquito bites and the diseases they carry.”

Create safe play areas

Children love playing outside, but the rainy season can make outdoor play hazardous. It’s important to designate safe play areas for your children.

A Rivers State-based educational consultant and child rights advocate, Mr Ikechukwu Onuoha, said, “Encourage indoor games and activities that can keep children entertained and active without exposure to the rain. Puzzles, board games, and indoor sports can be great alternatives.

“If they must play outside, ensure the area is safe. Avoid places prone to flooding, and make sure the ground is not slippery. Supervise their outdoor play to prevent accidents.

“Maintaining a balance between allowing children to play and ensuring their safety is crucial during the rainy season.”

Get weather-appropriate clothing, footwear

In addition to rain gear, proper clothing and footwear are essential to keep children comfortable and healthy during the rainy season.

A child consultant with an educational institution in Lagos, Mrs Deborah Dabiri, said, “Dress your children in layers to keep them warm and dry. Use moisture-wicking fabrics as the first layer to keep the skin dry, followed by insulating layers and a waterproof outer layer.

“Always have a set of dry clothes ready for when children come in from the rain. Promptly changing out of wet clothes can prevent colds and hypothermia.

“Apart from rain boots, ensure children have comfortable, waterproof footwear that can handle both wet and dry conditions.”

Proper clothing and footwear are key to keeping children warm, dry, and healthy.

Ensure road safety

The rainy season often leads to slippery roads and reduced visibility, increasing the risk of accidents. Ensuring road safety is paramount.

Morgan said equipping one’s children with bright, reflective rain gear to make them more visible to drivers.

He said, “Teach children to use pedestrian crossings and to be extra cautious when walking near roads. Avoid shortcuts that involve walking on slippery or muddy paths.

“Young children should be accompanied by an adult when walking to school or other destinations. Older children should be instructed to avoid using their phones or listening to music while walking, to remain alert to their surroundings.”

By emphasizing road safety, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents during the rainy season.

Watch nutrition, monitor health

Good nutrition and health practices are crucial during the rainy season to bolster the immune system and prevent illnesses.

A registered dietician and nutritionist based in Ogun State, Mr Emmanuel Udoh said, “Ensure your children have a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins to strengthen their immune systems.

“Even during cooler weather, staying hydrated is important. Provide clean, boiled water to drink.

“Keep up with regular health check-ups and vaccinations. If your child shows any signs of illness, seek medical attention promptly.

“Teach children to maintain good personal hygiene, such as washing hands frequently, especially before eating and after using the bathroom.”

He added that a strong immune system, combined with good hygiene practices, helps protect children from the increased health risks associated with the rainy season.

The rainy season brings a unique set of challenges that require careful attention to keep children safe.

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