Sustainability Report: Julius Berger Commits To Global Best Practices

1 month ago 4

Julius Berger Nigeria Plc’s 2023 Sustainability Report has demonstrated a strong commitment to global best practices by aligning with various sustainability benchmarks such as the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NGX) Sustainability Disclosure Guidelines, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and the Sustainable Nut Initiative (SNI).

The report approved by the NGX deals with qualitative and quantitative information concerning Environmental, Social, Economic and Governance (ESG) issues.

It highlighted the company’s commitments, progress and achievements towards sustainable and responsible business practices for the reporting period, January 2023 to December 2023.

The NGX described it as in alignment with Global Standards, saying that the company and its subsidiaries are committed to publishing its sustainability reports annually to provide transparency in reporting and showcase its continuous improvement.

According to the NGX, Julius Berger did a detailed Materiality Assessment of their business during the period under review saying the company has conducted a comprehensive materiality assessment to identify and prioritise key ESG issues. This is a best practice as it ensures that the report focuses on the most relevant and impactful topics for both the business and its stakeholders.

The NGX stated that the report covers a wide range of ESG topics, including economic performance, environmental impact, social issues, and governance, adding that this holistic approach is in line with best practices for comprehensive ESG reporting.

While pointing out areas for improvement in future reports, the NGX added that, “overall, Julius Berger’s 2023 ESG report aligns well with many best practices in sustainability reporting.

The company’s commitment to global standards, comprehensive materiality assessment, and detailed governance structure are significant strengths.”

The chairman of Julius Berger, Mutiu Sunmonu recently said that, “at Julius Berger, we recognise that environmental responsibility is not a trend, but an imperative for long-term business success.

“We are committed to minimising our environmental footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future. We actively integrate sustainability consid­erations into every aspect of our operations and every stage of our projects, from material selec­tion and waste management to energy efficiency and renewable energy exploration.

“Julius Berger acknowledges the urgency of climate change and is actively working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. This includes investing in alterna­tive energy sources (LNG, CNG and Solar) where viable.”

He added that “the Company goes beyond building physical structures, we are ded­icated to building a better future for the communities where we operate. We invest in and support various initiatives, with a focus on bridging gaps in health and education, with medical interventions and educational programs, including scholarships for underprivileged students and construction or renovation of school facilities.”

The managing director of Julius Berger, Engr. Lars Richter, stated that Julius Berger views itself as more than just a construction company, but a frontrunner and exemplar in driving sustainability standards in Nigeria.

“We prioritise sustainability in every aspect of our operations, striving to create not just positive outcomes, but legacies that inspire future generations. This commitment fuels Julius Berger’s drive to become a champion for sustainable practices, both onsite and offsite, throughout Nigeria and beyond,” he said.

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