‘To embrace latest trends in technology, Nigeria must invest in education’

3 months ago 35

Adebola Adejumoke Odeyemi is a forward-thinking leader shaping the future of businesses with Artificial Intelligence (AI). She’s passionate about helping small businesses thrive in today’s digital world. With a degree in Accounting from the University of Ado-Ekiti, she is a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA).

Her professional journey started as a Finance Consultant with 3Consulting Ltd, where she played a vital role in supporting MTN Nigeria’s ERP Application and resolving finance-related issues. However, she found her true passion in AI, digital skills and cybersecurity.

Adebola currently leads the team at Gem3A Solutions, where she has expanded her focus to include innovative AI-powered business solutions.

A member of professional bodies like the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) and associate member of the Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria (ISMN), Adebola spoke with DANIEL ANAZIA on sundry issues in AI, cybersecurity and fintech.

You started your career in accounting and finance with a degree in Accounting from the University of Ado-Ekiti and are currently a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA). Did you find tech, or did it find you?
As someone who began my professional journey in accounting and finance, obtaining a degree in Accounting from the University of Ado-Ekiti and achieving the status of a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA), my introduction to the realm of technology was not merely a chance encounter but a strategic progression. The world is becoming increasingly digital, and my background in accounting and finance provided a strong foundation for understanding the growing importance of cybersecurity, especially for financial data protection. As a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA), I saw a natural progression towards ensuring the security of the economic systems I work with. You might not expect it from someone who started in finance, but I believe in lifelong learning. As technology evolved, I became fascinated by its potential impact on accounting. This interest led me to explore cybersecurity, a field that perfectly combines my financial expertise with the thrill of staying ahead of emerging threats. Tech didn’t necessarily find me, but I found my passion in tech. While accounting provided a solid foundation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital skills, particularly cybersecurity, captured my interest with its complexity and ever-changing landscape. The opportunity to protect businesses and their valuable data is incredibly motivating.

You firmly believe that digital literacy isn’t just about finances but also about keeping businesses safe and running successfully. Can you shed more light on this?
Absolutely! Digital literacy goes beyond just financial applications for businesses. Being good with computers isn’t just about money. It’s also about keeping businesses safe and ensuring their success. Nowadays, everything in business relies on technology, so it’s super important for companies to know how to use computers and the Internet safely. Using digital tools helps businesses run smoothly and make intelligent decisions using data. Plus, with cybercrime on the rise, companies must know how to protect themselves online. That means keeping their information safe from hackers and other bad guys. When everyone in a business knows how to use technology well, it helps the business grow and stay strong. It also encourages people to develop new ideas and work together better. So, being good with computers isn’t just about money; it’s about ensuring businesses thrive in today’s digital world.

In today’s world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be the new norm as businesses are leveraging emerging technologies for smarter operations. As a forward-thinking leader shaping the future of businesses with AI, how has this impacted the Nigerian business environment?
As a leader in shaping the future of business with AI in Nigeria, I can tell you AI is making a big splash. Here’s the positive impact:

Smarter, Faster Businesses: AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing employees for more strategic thinking. Think about data entry, customer service, and even fraud detection. This boosts efficiency and productivity.

Data-Driven Decisions: AI analyses massive amounts of data, uncovering trends humans might miss. Businesses can use this for more innovative marketing, resource allocation and even predicting customer behaviour.

Happy Customers, More Sales: AI-powered chatbots provide 24/7 support while recommendation engines personalise shopping experiences. This leads to satisfied customers and increased sales.

New Frontiers: AI is creating entirely new business models. Innovative startups are using AI for solutions in agriculture, healthcare and finance, for example.

However, challenges exist too. These include:
Needing a Digital Backbone: Reliable Internet and cloud access are crucial for widespread AI adoption. Nigeria needs to develop a robust digital infrastructure.

Skilling Up the Workforce: As AI automates tasks, we must equip Nigerians with the skills to work alongside AI and adapt to changing job markets.

Ethical Considerations: We must address potential bias in AI algorithms and protect data privacy.

Overall, AI offers Nigerian businesses a golden opportunity to become more efficient, data-driven and customer-centric. However, navigating the ethical and infrastructural hurdles is key to successful AI adoption.

How can Nigeria leverage this new normal, especially in the area of big data, robotics, generative AI and the Internet of Things (IoT)?
Nigeria has a great opportunity to embrace the latest trends in technology like big data, robotics, generative AI and the Internet of Things (IoT). By focusing on a few key areas, Nigeria can truly maximise the benefits:

Investing in education: Nigeria must invest in training programmes that educate people about these technologies. This way, more Nigerians can learn how to use them effectively and uncover new possibilities for growth.

Infrastructure Development: Nigeria needs reliable internet access and modern infrastructure to fully embrace these technologies. By improving infrastructure, businesses and individuals can easily connect with these advancements.

Encouraging Innovation: Supporting startups and businesses working on these technologies is vital. Providing funding and resources can spur innovation, leading to the development of new solutions and products that benefit society.

Regulatory Frameworks: Implementing clear regulations and guidelines ensures responsible and ethical use of these technologies. This protects people’s privacy and security while fostering trust in their adoption.

Partnerships and Collaboration: Nigeria can leverage partnerships with other countries and organisations to accelerate the adoption and development of these technologies. Collaborating with experts can bring valuable insights and support Nigeria’s growth in these areas.

By focusing on these initiatives, Nigeria can unlock the potential of big data, robotics, generative AI and IoT, driving economic growth, enhancing efficiency, and creating new opportunities for its people.

Let me break down how Nigeria can win big with AI. Big data can revolutionise agriculture, finance and marketing by providing valuable insights. Robotics can supercharge manufacturing, improve worker safety and automate dangerous tasks. Generative AI can create fresh content, accelerate scientific discoveries and design new materials.

Finally, the Internet of Things (IoT) can create smart cities, boost agriculture and enhance security. By embracing these technologies, Nigeria can grow its economy, improve public services and empower its citizens. The key is to address challenges like funding, expertise and data infrastructure. Nigeria has the potential to be an AI leader, but it needs to act strategically.

Your mission is to empower businesses with the knowledge, tools and strategies they need to secure their digital future and thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape. How are you shoring up this quest?
As a Fellow Chartered Accountant who has embraced AI and cybersecurity, I understand the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in today’s digital world. Here’s how I’m empowering my clients:

Building a Strong Digital Foundation: I leverage AI-powered tools to analyse vast amounts of financial data, helping clients identify trends, optimise cash flow and make data-driven decisions. This can involve tools like automated bookkeeping, fraud detection software and predictive analytics.

Enhancing Financial Security: Cyber threats are a major concern for businesses. I use my cybersecurity knowledge to assess clients’ financial systems for vulnerabilities, implement robust security measures and develop incident response plans. This ensures your clients’ financial data is protected from unauthorised access.

Tailored Business Solutions: Combining my accounting expertise with AI and digital tools, I create customised solutions that address my clients’ specific needs. This might involve developing automated financial reporting processes, streamlining budgeting and forecasting or implementing data-driven internal controls.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: The digital landscape is constantly evolving. I actively stay updated on the latest trends in AI, cybersecurity and accounting technology. This allows me to provide my clients with cutting-edge solutions that keep them competitive.

Clear and Transparent Communication: I believe in clear and transparent communication. I explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner, ensuring my clients understand the value of these digital solutions and feel empowered to make informed decisions.

By taking these steps, I aim to go beyond traditional accounting services and become a trusted advisor, helping my clients navigate the digital future with confidence and security. This allows them to focus on what they do best – running their businesses.

Your latest book, The Waiting Room, shares a first-hand account of what waiting for an outcome feels like. Can you tell us more about the book and what inspired it, especially the title?
Thank you for the question. The Waiting Room is a book that shares a first-hand account of what waiting for an outcome feels like. It explores the waiting period as more than just a space of idleness but a profound and transformative journey. We all find ourselves in various waiting rooms throughout our lives, whether it’s a physical space like a doctor’s office or the more emotional space of waiting for a dream job, a relationship or a desired outcome. In The Waiting Room, I shared my personal stories and the stories of remarkable women I have known, all of whom have witnessed the power of patience, resilience and hope. These qualities have shaped my perspective and fueled my passion for writing the book. Time seems to stretch in waiting rooms and emotions can run high. But the book goes beyond simply describing the frustrations of waiting. It’s about the growth and transformation that can happen during those times. It’s about finding resilience, hope and beauty in the pause. Within the Waiting Room lies a hidden strength that, when harnessed, can empower women to navigate life’s uncertainties with grace and courage. The pages’ stories, insights and encouragement will resonate with you, providing comfort, inspiration and a sense of connection.

You are passionate about helping women navigate the ever-changing world of AI and digital literacy with a set goal to support 10,000 businesswomen and professionals in harnessing the power of data-driven insights to uncover hidden efficiencies, make informed decisions, and stay competitive in the digital landscape by 2030. Many would want to know why women and not a mix of the genders?
You’re right. Focusing solely on women in this initiative might raise a question. Here’s how I can address that:

Addressing the Gap: Women are currently underrepresented in the world of tech and AI. By specifically targeting women, I can help bridge this gap and empower them to participate in shaping the future of technology.

Unlocking Potential: Research suggests women often face unique challenges entering STEM fields. This initiative can provide a dedicated support system and resources tailored to address those hurdles.

Multiplier Effect: When women succeed in AI and data analysis, they can serve as role models and mentors for other women, creating a ripple effect that benefits the entire tech landscape.

Open to All: While the initial focus is on women, my knowledge, tools and resources will ultimately be valuable for anyone interested in leveraging data and AI. My core mission is to promote digital literacy for all.

Flexibility and Growth: This initiative can evolve. As we reach the 2030 goal, the programme can expand its reach to encompass a broader range of participants. By being transparent about the initial focus and the long-term goals, I can address concerns and ensure this initiative is a stepping stone towards a more inclusive digital future.

What was your experience(s) while starting your professional journey as a Finance Consultant with 3Consulting Ltd, where you played a vital role in supporting MTN Nigeria’s ERP Application and resolving finance-related issues?
As a Finance Consultant at 3Consulting Ltd, my experience was both challenging and rewarding. Working closely with MTN Nigeria on their ERP application and resolving finance-related issues gave me invaluable insights and skills that shaped my professional journey. My background as a Finance Consultant at 3Consulting Ltd helped me develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and resolve finance-related issues for a significant client like MTN Nigeria. This involved analysing financial data, identifying discrepancies and recommending solutions. Working with MTN Nigeria’s finance team and other stakeholders at 3Consulting Ltd also enhanced my communication and collaboration skills.

One critical experience was applying theoretical knowledge from my academic accounting background to real-world scenarios. This involved analysing financial data, identifying areas for improvement and implementing solutions to enhance efficiency and accuracy in financial processes. Also, I gained firsthand knowledge of the challenges and opportunities businesses face in the Nigerian telecom sector. Overall, my experience as a Finance Consultant at 3Consulting Ltd laid a solid foundation for my career, providing me with the hands-on experience and expertise necessary to excel in finance and consulting.

You currently superintend Gem3A Solutions as team lead, where you have expanded your focus to include innovative AI-powered business solutions. Can you share more insights on Gem3A Solutions?
At Gem3A Solutions – a springboard for innovation – we are known for our innovative approach. We use AI in our services, such as business accounting, financial management and digital skills training. As the team lead, I lead a group of dedicated professionals passionate about using the latest technologies to help our clients succeed. We also teach our clients critical digital skills. We know these services are all connected and can make a big difference when they work together. We start by understanding what our clients need, whether it’s smoother financial processes, better decisions or better use of digital tools.

With our AI-powered services, we don’t just automate the usual tasks or provide insights from data. We also help our clients learn how to use digital tools effectively and stay safe online. We offer special training programmes to help them improve at things like analysing data and understanding cybersecurity. By using AI in everything we do and offering digital skills training, we give our clients a complete package that helps them work better, be more creative and grow. We always ensure honesty, do things the right way and do our best to get results. This helps us build strong relationships with our clients based on trust and teamwork. So, at Gem3A Solutions, we are not just about traditional accounting and financial stuff. We are here to make significant changes, helping businesses succeed in the digital age by using AI and teaching them critical digital skills.

You mentioned starting a major project on cybersecurity tagged ‘Cybersecurity for SMEs Campaign’ before the end of this year. What is the project all about and how do you intend to execute it?
I’m excited to share details about the ‘Cybersecurity for SMEs Campaign’, a major initiative I’m launching this year (2024) to empower small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to navigate the digital world securely.

SMEs are often the target of cyberattacks due to their perceived lack of robust security measures. This can have devastating consequences, leading to financial losses, data breaches and reputational damage. This campaign aims to bridge the cybersecurity knowledge gap for SMEs by providing:

Free Educational Resources: We will develop a comprehensive library of resources, including webinars, workshops and online guides, all tailored to the specific needs of SMEs. These resources will cover topics like identifying and mitigating common cyber threats; implementing best practices for password management and data protection; selecting and using appropriate cybersecurity software.

Simplified Security Solutions: We will explore partnerships with cybersecurity vendors to offer SMEs access to affordable, user-friendly security solutions. This could involve bundled packages for essential security software; simplified installation and setup processes and ongoing technical support tailored to SME needs.

Building Awareness: We will leverage various channels to raise awareness about the campaign, including social media outreach, collaborations with business associations and chambers of commerce and participating in industry events.

The campaign will be executed in phases. Phase 1 involves needs assessment. We’ll conduct surveys and focus groups with SMEs to understand their cybersecurity challenges and preferred learning styles. Phase 2 will be resource development. Based on the needs assessment, we will develop clear, concise and engaging educational materials. Phase 3 will be launch and promotion, where we will officially launch the campaign through various channels and actively promote it to reach a broad audience of SMEs, while Phase 4 will be outreach and support. We will conduct workshops and webinars and offer ongoing support to SMEs as they implement cybersecurity best practices.

This campaign aims to create a more secure digital environment for all businesses by equipping SMEs with the knowledge and tools they need. This can lead to increased confidence for SMEs to operate online; reduced risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches and enhanced overall business resilience and growth.

In driving this campaign, I will be leveraging my expertise in accounting, AI and cybersecurity. I will play a key role in developing educational content. My accounting background allows me to tailor the content to address the specific financial risks SMEs face.

Identifying affordable security solutions: I can analyse and recommend security solutions that fit the budget constraints of SMEs.

Building partnerships: My network of contacts can help us forge collaborations with key stakeholders in the cybersecurity and SMEs communities. I believe this initiative will empower SMEs to thrive in the digital age without fear of cyber threats.

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