Total Healing: The Secret Roots Of Infirmities

1 month ago 2

ay extra attention as you read this article – special edition of our ‘Total Healing” episode. The total healing episode is still going on. I remember I have shared with you here before that, healing is not just only physical, it can be spiritual, it can be emotional, it can be carrier, it can be breakthrough, it can be marriage. When we say total healing we mean total healing in all aspect.

Today, we are looking at what I call, “the secret roots of infirmities”. It will do you well to digest this message carefully because  it involves years of spiritual research. The secret roots of infirmities. Psalm18:45, Very powerful scripture

[45] The strangers shall fade away, And be afraid out of their close places.

The bible says, the strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places. What a deep scripture. Strangers means, they are not suppose to be there. That place does not belong to them, it is not their habitation.

For example, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; it doesn’t belong to the infirmity, it doesn’t belong to demons. All those things that God did not plant there that is there, no matter with which name they are described, the scripture has only one name for them, stranger. The doctors or anybody may call it all kind of names; but the scripture has only one name, it say, ‘every tree not planted by the father’ Because they are not planted by the father in your life, in my life, in the life of everyone, their presence there make them stranger. The bible say, they shall fade away, they will be scared, they will be terrified, and be afraid out of their close places.

The word ‘Close Places”is very revealing:

It means ‘strongholds:’ A stronghold is a place that is difficult to attack, and that is easy to defend.

Close places, it means f’ortress’ or better put “hide out.”That is their hide out, they don’t want you to know they are there.

It means their fortification where they fortify themselves. Their defensive structure, the place very difficult to access.

So, do you now see why prayer is a serious business?  Because now,  something is hidden, the thing doesn’t want you to know they are there. So now you are bombarding them with fire, and because they do not want you to detect their presence, they try and cope with the fire, hoping that you will not persist for too long, and very soon you will stop; so that they can have some peace. But when somebody now refuse to stop because you have read the bible that say, “pray without ceasing,” then they have no option but to come out.

I am praying for somebody reading  this message, *”Any stranger, anything the father has not planted, that is hidden in any life, consciously or unconsciously, whether you know they are there or you don’t know they are there, with a tenfold amen, let the strangers come out of their hidden places, in Jesus name.”*

That is why sometimes when prayer get to a level, people begin to vomit, people cough out things, that happens when they get to a level where they are challenge and they are about to to leave. The bible say, the strangers shall fade away, and they will be afraid out of their close places.

Prayer: “The strangers in the head, the strangers in the eyes, the strangers in the backbones, the strangers in the intestines, the strangers in the womb, the strangers in the legs, fade away in the name of Jesus.”

Listen beloved, the bible is the only book with answer to man’s problems. God has stored all the things we need for prosperous and happy life in His word; but listen, it is carefully hidden. Behind the multitude of minus to severe ailment and infirmity, lies spiritual forces. Carefully hidden, behind minus sickness, major sickness lies spiritual forces. There is something in the spirit realm called, ‘the spirit behind.’ This spirit behind, they are carefully hidden.

This hidden forces, they constantly seek to kill and destroy. They feed the hospital, they feed the mortuary.

The major reason for their success is found in one thing, that is, monumental abysmal ignorance of the word of God. Monumental ignorance, abysmal ignorance of the word of God. Meaning that your problem is not your problem, but your problem is *ignorance* about the power of God, the ability of God, the power of God to save to deliver to the uttermost. And access to the secret that will allow you to operate.

In addition to this ignorance we give them “open door” that give them legal ground to attack. Our fierce and wicked adversary will not missed any opportunity to strike. So it is not God’s fault, if we fail to apply our heart to wisdom, which should prevent them from doing what they do. It’s not God’s fault. Many good doctors can prescribe, they can care, they can treat symptoms, they can point out what has gone wrong in the body; whether it is malfunction, whether it is imbalance, whether it’s infections; but listen to this important truth. I don’t want you to miss out of what you listen to here tonight.

Operating behind a carefully constructed signs or symptoms, there are evil spirits. They cause malfunction, you observe physical and emotional imbalances of what God has put in place. The bible say I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. The way the Lord constructed the human body are fearful and wonderful. Some things has to remain balance. You need vitamins but you should not use overdose. If they give you drugs, you don’t have to use overdose, because the thing is already balancing but once you shift that balancing: there is a level of sugar your body required, when you over use it, then you have have shifted the balance, then trouble comes.

But behind all this secret of infirmities, operating being the scene that you cannot see – which Xray  cannot see, which scan cannot see, which bring your urine, feasea, blood etc cannot see – they are evil spirits behind them, causing this problems. Making the balances to shift, or pushes you to activities that shift the balance. They know that there are certain thing you should not take but, they make you to take them. But the beauty of it is that prayer, prayer demobilises this demonic agents.

And when prayer get to a level, let me tell you the honest truth, no matter what the doctors are saying, the demons become scared. The problem is that, many times we don’t pray such prayer for too long. So  when you keep bombarding them, they just keep quiet waiting and trying to survive the fire, in expectation that you will soon keep quiet. It is prayer that demobilises them.

Sometimes there is a period of healing, then followed by the return of sickness. In a case like this, what happened? The demons has staged a comeback, either by reentering, or reviving their power, if those power were not originally removed completely.

I’m going to pray one prayer, those who love themselves should say a seven loud amen. Don’t say it doesn’t concern me, because it is a very serious matter:

*”I decree upon your life that any sickness that stop your parent, and want to stop you, they are dead now in the name of Jesus.”*

Now listen, many of the sickness, infirmities that men go through; certain behaviors, certain character, certain happenings, certain sins may have create them….. There will be no time tonight to be sharing all those scriptures because of our time.

For example shame and embarrassment may cause tooth decay. It may cause diseases of the bone marrow. It may cause cancer of the bones. It may cause all kind of sicknesses of the bones. In Proverbs 14:30: the prayer of tonight they are war prayer, war prayer to uproot both cryptic, non cryptic strangers in the body.

Proverbs 14:30

A sound heart is the life of the flesh: But envy the rottenness of the bones.

A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones. So when your heart is sound, it brings life to your flesh, but if you are still engaged in envy, jealousy, comparing yourself with this and that, it will lead to rottenness of the bones. You may go to doctor, you may take medicine but when that envy is still in your heart, the rottenness of the bones will still be there.

There are things people do that encourages infirmities to raid their lives. I have shared with you before of a friend of mine who went to minister somewhere, the way my friend ministered, he will call those who are sick to come forward, then he will begin to lay hand on them one after another. That very day he took the altar call and people came forward. And he was asking them “what is the problem?” then lay hand, on and on until it got to a slightly old woman like that.

“Mama what is the problem?” The head is heavy, the chest is heavy, the body is heavy, she was confused, she cannot eat very well. My friend wanted to lay hand, the Lord said, “no, don’t lay hand on this woman, but tell her to go and padlock her mouth, and should stop talking anyhow.” And my friend said “mummy, I am not going to pray for you, the Lord said you should just go and control your lips, you will be fine.”

Mama lost her temper “Heeey, see you, it is not your fault, if not this sickness what am I suppose to be doing here, look at him self, look at his ears, his ears is like a flag!” Talking to a preacher like that. My friend did not answer a word, he moved away and pray for the remaining people.

Nevertheless the woman went home and had a good thinking, and she decided, she is going to control herself, control the anger, control the mouth. She only did it for one day; she didn’t abuse anybody, she didn’t shout on anybody, and all her sicknesses vanished.

As I said earlier, there are characters and behaviours that encourages infirmities. A sound heart is the life of the flesh but, envy is the rottenness of the bones. Are you here, you are envious of others, stop it before your bones becomes rotten.

An unsound mind, mind which is not sound will be experiencing troubles, physically and spiritually. If a sound mind is the life of the flesh then, unsound mind will bring trouble to the flesh. When you now add this unsound mind to envy, it will lead to all kind of sickness, bones problems, arthritis, paralysis, skin diseases and cancer. These are the diseases that rotten the bones.

Beloveth, many disorder in the body are rooted in rebellion to God. Many kind of problems that men battles; rebellion and idolatry can be the root of any disease incident. Look at 2 Chronicles 21:14.*

The bible is a complete book if you know what its saying:

Behold, with a great plague will the LORD smite thy people, and thy children, and thy wives, and all thy goods: [15] and thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day.

So, rebellion and idolatry led to the situation we are describing here. Roots of bitterness, resentment, anger, and envy can affect your kidney, can affect your heart, it can give you infections. Disobedience can lead to heart disturbances and melancholy.

When you get home and start to read Isaiah 3 you find out many of the things we called fashion that we put on can cause trouble. It can cause problem in your hair, inflammation, infections etc. When you are always interested in vanity; this party you are there, that one you are there. You cone to church this way you go outside another way. All these vanity and pride, listen, they can be the root of restlessness, inability to sleep and despair.

Let’s read from the book of Deuteronomy to put this in important perspective, so you will understand the key things we are saying now, about secret of sickness and infirmity. Deuteronomy 28 let first read verse 1

And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth

From verse one the Lord began to list the blessings that will follow obedience to God. As you read on, you see what the Lord will do to those who obey the word of the Lord; when you get to verse 15 but it shall come to past *if thou will not hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God.

Deuteronomy 28:15 KJV

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee continue reading to verse 35.

What is the scripture telling us? The scripture is telling us that many sicknesses are attached or ascribed to the curse of the law. The curses of the law we are reading here are: pestilence, consumption, tuberculosis, inflammation, astonishment of the heart – which means heart attack, itching, eczema, madness, blindness, usher, boil, piles, consumption – what disrupt the body by separating to parts, it make to waste away or emaciate, fever, inflammation, abnormal rise in temperature, astonishment of mind, depression. It read, no man shall save thee, that is, no cure.

What Are We Suppose To Do?

  1. We need to repent and turn from our wicked way.
  2. We need to acknowledge our sins, by confessing that we are sinner.
  3. We need to ask and receive forgiveness.
  4. After we have done the first three – repentance, acknowledgement of sin by confessing our sins, the need to ask for forgiveness. Then we start casting, casting out the spirits behind. We begin to speak destruction to the fruits of the evil spirits. We begin to issue the curse of God upon them. We begin to anoint with oil. It is not a joke, that the bible say, “is any sick among you, let him call for the elders of the church, let them anoint him with oil.” Then we need to pray warfare prayer.

Therefore,  it is now left in your court. If I don’t say stop praying and you stop, you may have made a mistake of stopping when the things is about to be shifted away. And immediately you stop praying, it goes back to where he is trying to leave before.

Close your eyes beloveth, but if you are here and you are not born again, you are not yet surrender your life to Jesus. Repeat this confession after me:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you now, Lord Jesus, come into my life, take control of my life, in Jesus name. Amen!

The warfare prayer have commenced and we aare here to address strangers. And let me tell you the truth; prayer demobilises strangers. The bible say, when the strongman armed he secure his palace, his goods are in intact; but when a stronger man shall come upon him, then he will dispossess him. This prayer is to invite the stronger man to smoke the strangers out of their close places. Don’t joke with these prayers.

(1) Strangers in my body, hear the word of the Lord, come out now, in the name of Jesus.

(2) Wicked power, assigned to increase my disappointment, you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus.

(3) Anything, lodging in my body, that God has not put there, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.

(4) Lay your right hand upon your head and pray, Strangers in my head, come out now, in the name of Jesus.

(5) Lay your hand upon your chest and pray this prayer: Strangers in my chest, come out now, in the name of Jesus.

(6) Lay your hand upon your stomach and pray this prayer:  Arrows fired into my body, backfire, in the name of Jesus.

(7) Powers, assigned to destroy my health, you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus.

(8) Powers, assigned to donate me to the dinning table of darkness, die in the name of Jesus.

God bless you

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