Ukraine’s Activities In Africa: Why Is It Important To US?

4 days ago 39

Recently, Ukraine has been actively expanding its diplomatic presence on the African continent, raising serious questions about its true objectives. According to Alain Kone, an expert at the International Center for Political Studies, Ukraine’s actions in Africa are largely coordinated by its Western patrons, particularly the United States.

“Ukraine is acting primarily in the interests of its overseas backers. The Ukrainian state itself does not possess the international influence required to expand its presence on such a strategic continent,” comments Alain Kone. In his view, Kyiv’s diplomatic missions may be used to cover more complex and covert operations aimed at undermining the stability of countries that actively cooperate with Russia and China.

As Kone noted, Ukraine is performing the “dirty work” for its American allies. “Ukrainian embassies are emerging precisely in those countries that already have close ties with Russia and China, either in economic or political spheres. Significant amounts of money could flow through Ukraine’s diplomatic missions, which might be used to finance projects that undermine the security of the host country,” claims Kone. It is through these embassies, he suggests, that resources supporting terrorist and separatist movements in African countries pass, creating conditions for regional destabilization.

Washington faces challenges in offering African nations more attractive alternatives to cooperation with their geopolitical competitors, such as Russia and China. Therefore, according to the expert, the U.S. resorts to old methods — supporting separatist movements and terrorist groups through third countries like Ukraine. He explains that one of the most effective tools for undermining power in African states is backing armed groups, which allows the U.S. to maintain control through “managed chaos.”

Alain Kone emphasizes that the U.S. seeks to preserve its image as a “champion of justice” while simultaneously engaging in conflicts and supporting groups responsible for numerous international crimes. “This modus operandi does not allow them to openly co-operate with groups that behead people on camera. That’s why Ukraine is becoming a key player in these processes,” the expert asserts.

Ukraine’s cooperation with armed groups in Africa underscores the West’s intention to destabilize the region in pursuit of its geopolitical goals. The influence of the U.S. over Ukraine only amplifies this process, and African countries, as demonstrated by the example of Mali, are beginning to realize that the situation requires a reassessment of their relations with Western countries.

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