Weight Gain Journey

3 weeks ago 3

Some people find it hard to gain weight. Different strokes for different folks, other ways of doing something are appropriate for different people. It will amaze you when you are on the opposite side of this spectrum, and then you realize that what is sauce for the gander is also sauce for the goose. One of the health implications that can cause the need for weight gain is anorexia, “is a treatable eating disorder in which people have a low body weight based on personal weight history. Although many people with anorexia look very thin, some may not look thin and others may look overweight. But they’ve actually lost weight or failed to gain needed weight” MayoClinic press. This goes to show that some of our ill-health starts with our mindset. As this is a mental health situation one way of fighting an eating disorder should also start from the mind. These are the cheat codes for gaining weight and living in your dream shape.

Surplus Mindset: One of the catchphrases for people hoping to add weight is “more” to consume more calories than the body needs. You need more body weight; you have to eat more. Knowing that their struggle starts with the unenthusiastic outlook about food, that has to be flushed down fast. The faster they can get to the point where eating is a satisfying thing, will not only boost their mind but break that chain of eating disorders. Healthline opined that the most important thing you can do to gain weight is to create a calorie surplus, meaning you eat more calories than your body needs.

Enjoying Your Carbs: Carbohydrates include Rice, wholegrain bread, cereals, corn, fufu, garri, dark chocolate etc. Finding the right carbs can help you gain some flesh. Lifestrong.com opined that eating too many carbs can make you gain weight, especially if they’re low-fiber, high-glycemic carbs. Glycemic load describes the way your blood sugar levels are affected by the carbohydrates you eat. High-glycemic carbohydrates move through the digestive system quickly and spike blood sugar and insulin. Low-glycemic carbohydrates are digested slowly, which prevents blood sugar spikes (and resulting crashes). The proper move here is to check in with the doctor to make sure you are on a healthy path.

Eating More Protiens: Knowing and eating more proteins will take you from a size four to a ten in months. Healthline “Eating enough high-quality proteins helps to increase lean muscle mass”. These proteins include meat, fish, eggs, legumes, dairy etc. The most important thing to do to gain weight is to create a calorie increase strategy, meaning you eat more calories than your body needs. And what better way of doing this than not eating, eating the right food in the right amount. Therefore, eating more is only one wisdom away from getting to your destination.

Quality Sleep: The implications of sleep to our body and mind cannot be overemphasized. Getting enough sleep can help you maintain a healthy weight, but it’s just one of many factors. If you want to prevent weight gain or lose weight, be sure to eat a healthy diet and cut back on snacks and empty calories. Physical activity is important, too, but always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program according to the AWPU health plan. Start eating right and always check in with your doctor to confirm you are on the right path when it comes to your health.

Gaining weight and achieving your dream body is possible with the right mindset and approach. Embrace the journey by fueling your body with the right foods, prioritizing quality sleep, and staying committed to your goals. Remember, every step you take toward better health is a victory. Start today, and with each bite, each night of rest, and each positive thought, you’re building a healthier, stronger you. Your journey to a healthier life is within reach—take that first step with confidence!

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