200+ unique and cool last names for your fictional characters

2 months ago 5
200+ unique and cool last names for your fictional characters

Fantasy is a genre of literature where characters and elements are magical, supernatural, and do not exist in the real world. Many video games today use the fantasy concept. Participants assemble imaginary or virtual teams and use fake names when playing. This article lists unique and cool last names you can give your fictional characters in any game you participate in. Victor Stephen, popularly known as Vic-Vix in the gaming community, shares insights into the creative process behind naming characters in different genres of video games.

Unique and cool last namesPhoto: canva.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC


In most cases, the name you give your fictional characters should match the behavior of the behavior or appearance of that character. For instance, you can pick a scary name for a monster character, a sweet name for an angel character, a unique name for a warrior character, and so on.

Importance of character names in video games

During a discussion with Vic-Vix, a Nigerian professional gamer, he provided insights on the art and strategy of developing character names in the gaming world. Legit.ng gathered that the essence of choosing unique and memorable names for fantasy characters is beyond being creative; it is about enhancing the overall gaming experience, fostering player engagement, and contributing to the game's narrative and community dynamics.

Some of the reasons Vic-Vix shared include:

1. For distinguishing identity: Unique names help characters stand out in a crowded gaming landscape and create a lasting impression. "Simon 'Ghost' Riley's unique character for Call of Duty is easily identifiable by any gamer", he added.

2. For the purpose of integration and atmosphere, the name must fit the game's lore and setting, while the atmosphere enhances the player's experience by reinforcing the game's narrative and thematic elements.

An example of this can be seen in the God of War series. Characters like Kratos evoke a specific atmosphere of Greek mythology, and a recent installment shifted focus to Norse legends. The name fits seamlessly into the game's world, enhancing the player's immersion in the fantasy setting.

3. For brand recognition: In online or multiplayer games, characters can build recognition and reputation. According to Vic-Vix, players tend to remember or refer to each other by their character names, fostering community. Such as the League of Legends which features characters with memorable names like "Teemo" or "Ahri."

4. For marketing and merchandising: Unique character names can extend beyond the game itself, becoming integral to marketing, merchandise, and spin-off media such as books or comics, potentially contributing to the game's broader appeal and longevity.

Characters from the Final Fantasy series, such as Cloud Strife or Sephiroth, have become synonymous with the franchise, appearing in sequels, spin-offs, and even merchandise. Their names have become integral to the franchise's brand identity and marketing strategy.

5. To avoid confusion, characters from the Final Fantasy series like Cloud Strife or Sephiroth have become synonymous with the franchise, appearing in sequels, spin-offs, and even merchandise. Their names have become integral to the franchise's brand identity and marketing strategy.

The best game to give this to is FreeFire. FreeFire characters have straightforward and distinct names, reducing confusion during fast-paced gameplay where quick communication is essential. Names like Chrono, Alok, Moco, Kelly, and more.

6. Player attachment: Vic-Vix stated that memorable names can lead to players forming emotional attachments to their characters, which deepens engagement and encourages players to invest more time and effort into developing their characters.

As a FreeFire player and content creator, I'm so much attached to a FreeFire character named Chrono. Due to this my gaming community identify me as a Chrono user.

7. Reflecting character traits: Names can sometimes hint at a character's personality, abilities, or role within the game. This subtle storytelling element adds depth and intrigue, making the character more compelling to interact with and explore.

How to select names for game genres?

Vic-Vix explained that in naming characters for different games, one should consider the theme, setting, and tone unique to each genre. He mentioned:

  • Action games: Use bold and impactful names to suit fast-paced gameplay. For example, Blaze Striker - “Blaze" means speed and intensity, while "Striker" means aggression and combat prowess.
  • Adventure games: Character names should evoke mystery or exploration, such as Aria Everwood. "Aria" means elegance and mystery, while “Everwood" suggests a connection to nature or ancient forests.
  • Simulation games: This genre of gameplay can feature names that reflect realism or authenticity, such as Max Force. "Max" is a straightforward and universally recognizable name, suitable for a simulation game character who might represent an everyday person, “Force" suggests capability or influence, reflecting the character's role in managing simulations or challenges within the game.
  • Strategy games: Use names that convey leadership or tactical prowess. Character names like General Victor Steel, where "General" establishes authority and leadership. "Victor Steel" combines a strong, assertive first name with a surname that conveys strength and resilience, befitting a strategic military or political leader.

Strategies to employ in character names for action and adventure games

Delving into his experience, Vic-Vix shared personal strategies that he employs when creating names for action and adventure games. He said:

I choose names that have symbolic meanings related to heroism, bravery, or noble qualities. For example, names like Valor, Hero, Braveheart, or Quest can directly evoke the themes of heroism and epic quests.I also opt for names that sound grand and epic when spoken aloud. Names with strong consonants or flowing vowel sounds can give a sense of action and adventure. Examples include Varon Thunderstrike, Victor Stormblade, and Lyra Dawnheart.I sometimes draw inspiration from historical figures, legendary heroes, or mythological characters. These names often carry connotations of greatness and heroism. Examples could include Odin the Allfather, Arthur Pendragon, or Perseus.I combine elements to create compound names or titles that suggest heroic deeds or epic quests. Examples include Sir Galahad the Valiant, Serenia Windrunner, and Captain Orion Skyblade.My favorite, and how I got my game name, "Vic-Vix," is utilizing alliteration (repeating initial sounds) or assonance (repeating vowel sounds) to make names memorable and impactful. For instance, Gavin Goldheart or Lysandra Lightbringer.One can incorporate fantasy elements such as magical terms, mythical creatures, or celestial bodies to add depth and mystique to the names. Although I barely use this strategy, it can't be ignored. Examples include Thalion Starfire, Elara Moonshadow, and Drakkar Frostfang.

The professional gamer mentioned further that names in action and adventure genres in games align with the story. He explains:

  1. Characters with hero names in action and adventure games often have names that sound heroic and courageous such as Knight, Champion, Hero, or Guardian.
  2. Characters may be given epic quest titles that reflect their quests or missions. Titles such as The Last Hope, Bearer of Light, Savior of Realms, or Vanquisher of Darkness suggest grand undertakings and dramatic stakes in the narrative.
  3. In mythical and legendary games, characters can be named after gods, legendary warriors, or mythical creatures. Also, names that carry symbolic meanings related to themes of bravery, honor, sacrifice, or destiny are common. These names resonate with the narrative's themes and help define the character's journey and motivations.
  4. Characters may have names with multiple layers of meaning or significance, hinting at their past, abilities, or the challenges they face.

Names for sports and racing games

Vic-Vix also touched on naming styles in sports and racing games. He emphasized that these names must depict competitiveness, speed, and power, such as:

  • Swift Surge
  • Rapid Racers
  • Velocity Vortex
  • Turbo Thrust
  • Blitz Racing
  • Power Pulse
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Nitro Charge
  • Neo Drive
  • Cyber Speed
  • Infinity Racers
  • Quantum Velocity
  • Chrome Racing
  • Prestige Motorsports
  • Silver Streak
  • Luxe Velocity
  • Dominance Motors
  • Supreme Speedsters
  • Victory Vanguard
  • Alpha Racers
  • Lagos City Chase
  • Safari Speedsters
  • Tokyo Thunder
  • Mediterranean Motors

Cool last names for your fantasy characters

You can also use cool fantasy last names when writing a novel or short story. The last name can be passed down to the offspring of the character in your story. It all depends on how you want to use the name. Below are some incredible last names you can give your fantasy characters when playing games or writing stories:

  • Amell
  • Andra
  • Azai
  • Baldrik
  • Carlo
  • Cathal
  • Delmira
  • Edric
  • Emlyn
  • Finian
  • Griffith
  • Griselda
  • Guy
  • Hagan
  • Killian
  • Lenora
  • Limei
  • Malou
  • Matilda
  • Ned
  • Nerio
  • Nolan
  • Oriel
  • Owen
  • Owena
  • Pelen
  • Pridbor
  • Quattro
  • Rochelle
  • Satis

Cool Italian last names

Cool Italian last namesCool Italian last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @Alexas_Fotos (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Italian names sound sweet to the ears, regardless of their meaning. Consider giving your fantasy character an Italian name if your video game or story has some Spanish elements. Here are some of the most famous Italian last names:

  • Alfonsi
  • Albertelli
  • Allegra
  • Amato
  • Argento
  • Berlusconi
  • Bertelli
  • Bianchi
  • Bianco
  • Caputo
  • Carbone
  • DeVille
  • Di Fazio
  • Donato
  • Esposito
  • Fabbri
  • Farina
  • Favero
  • Grasso
  • Greco
  • Guerra
  • Lombardi
  • Longo
  • Magnifico
  • Mancini
  • Negri
  • Orsini
  • Palumbo
  • Parisi
  • Pellegrini

Cool last names for girls

Cool last names for girlsCool last names for girls. Photo: pixabay.com, @anncapictures (modified by author)
Source: UGC

You should give your female characters interesting last names that can give other players insight into who the character is. You can pick a name that implies your fantasy character is beautiful and intelligent, naïve but not stupid, tough but fair, etc. You can find such cool last names from the names listed below:

  • Ashley
  • Bandini
  • Bardot
  • Bolt
  • Cassidy
  • Claxton
  • Cromwel
  • Cullen
  • Daughtler
  • Elsa
  • Elsher
  • Gonzales
  • Hansley
  • Hill
  • Hilton
  • Holly
  • Hope
  • Jenkins
  • June
  • Kade
  • Keller
  • Kora
  • Langley
  • Levine
  • Lopez
  • Madison
  • Marley
  • May
  • McKenna
  • Melniaf
  • Monroe
  • Noel
  • Nora
  • Peterson
  • Poverely
  • Raven
  • Sharpe
  • Solace
  • Thatcher
  • Tyson
  • West

Cool last names for boys

Cool last names for boysCool last names for boys. Photo: pexels.com, @Pixabay (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Male and female gamers can use male names for their fantasy characters, especially when playing male-dominated games like the strategy, sports, action-adventure, and shooter categories. If you are looking for powerful last names for boys, below is a list of cool names you can choose from:

  • Adair
  • Adler
  • Alston
  • Beckett
  • Blake
  • Brooks
  • Bryant
  • Collymore
  • Curran
  • Davis
  • Dawson
  • Donovan
  • England
  • Finnegan
  • Furzy
  • Gatlin
  • Gray
  • Hargy
  • Hayes
  • Howard
  • Huxley
  • Johnson
  • Kelly
  • Ledger
  • Lincoln
  • Luna
  • Martinez
  • McKay
  • Miller
  • Phoenix
  • Pierce
  • Samson
  • Stoll
  • Underwood
  • Verlice
  • Watson
  • Wilson
  • Wisteria
  • Young
  • Zimmerman

Spectacular last names for boys

Spectacular last names for boysSpectacular last names for boys. Photo: pixabay.com, @dantegráfico (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Most video games give players avatar customization options to shape the relationship between the player and the character. Therefore, one of the key things you should note when customizing your character is the name you select. Check out the following list of spectacular last names for boys. You might find one that perfectly fits your fantasy character:

  • Adams
  • Allen
  • Anderson
  • Bellamy
  • Biden
  • Bryat
  • Campbell
  • Carson
  • Carter
  • Cauley
  • Chamberlain
  • Channing
  • Coleman
  • Collins
  • Dixon
  • Easton
  • Ferenz
  • Gasper
  • Goodman
  • Hall
  • Hendrix
  • Jennings
  • Jones
  • Lennon
  • Lester
  • Mahan
  • Nash
  • Norlander
  • Parker
  • Powell
  • Ramirez
  • Remington
  • Rodgers
  • Sawyer
  • Skaggs
  • Stinson
  • Walker
  • Watari
  • Wolverson
  • Wood

Last names for tough girls

Last names for tough girlsLast names for tough girls. Photo: pixabay.com, @syaifulptak57 (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Fantasy games have attractive female characters to appeal to male and female players. Because of this, some male gamers prefer to use female avatars, a practice known as gender swapping. So, if you want to use a female fantasy name for your character, here are some rare last names you can use:

  • Agnello
  • Bogaerts
  • Bowie
  • Burns
  • Carlisle
  • Chandler
  • Cohen
  • Copeland
  • Corrigan
  • Dalton
  • Darby
  • Eslinger
  • Gabel
  • Gibbs
  • Gilby
  • Harrington
  • Hopper
  • Hudson
  • Hutton
  • Kaiser
  • Keagan
  • Lee
  • Malloy
  • Marshall
  • Moon
  • Morris
  • Murray
  • Nobleman
  • Oberman
  • Portwood
  • Shaw
  • Smith
  • Springer
  • Stiles
  • Stone
  • Sullivan
  • Tanner
  • Thompson
  • Turner
  • Wright

Rare last names

Rare last namesRare last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @Thanh_Nguyen_SLQ (modified by author)
Source: UGC

You can consider giving your fantasy characters unique last names if you want them to stand out from other players. Since video games do not restrict characters to specific names, you can draw names from various languages and sources. Here are some of the rarest names you can give your character:

  • Ayala
  • Bailey
  • Bartlett
  • Bolton
  • Butler
  • Carney
  • Castellan
  • Emmens
  • Enger
  • Forbes
  • Gillian
  • Gracia
  • Grady
  • Greene
  • Holmes
  • Hudskin
  • Krul
  • Mcnairy
  • Meadows
  • Meyer
  • Moore
  • Mosley
  • Navas
  • Neville
  • Quinney
  • Rivera
  • Rivers
  • Rosenbloom
  • Sanchez
  • Santiago
  • Shaffer
  • Spencer
  • Tolliver
  • Turner
  • Vargas
  • Wagner
  • Watterson
  • Weber
  • Wenger
  • Workman

Weird last names

Rare last namesRare last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @vinsky2002 (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Most gamers choose different, strange, and unusual names to make their characters stand out among other players. You can also pick weird last names for your fantasy characters. Here are some odd but cute last names you can select from:

  • Badden
  • Battle
  • Bean
  • Bone
  • Burton
  • Bush
  • Camacho
  • Clutterbuck
  • Connor
  • Cooke
  • Daft
  • Downs
  • Drinkwater
  • Fox
  • Frost
  • Gamble
  • Gay
  • Graves
  • Hardmeat
  • Headman
  • Hogwood
  • Holcomb
  • Hole
  • Jelly
  • Kettle
  • Knapp
  • Neils
  • Nutters
  • Piggs
  • Plunder
  • Rocha
  • Sasin
  • Simpleton
  • Slayer
  • Stout
  • Swindells
  • Wales
  • Whitley
  • Willy
  • Wolfs

Cool fantasy last names

Cool fantasy last namesCool fantasy last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @Alexas_Fotos (modified by author)
Source: UGC

You can give your character a unique last name to attract attention from other players. A small fragment of your avatar name can draw attention and create a positive association for you. Here are some awesome unique last names you can give your characters:

  • Clanroot
  • Crawford
  • Cunningham
  • Cyprus
  • Dagon
  • Dragon
  • Dreamscribe
  • Driscoll
  • Duke
  • Duskworm
  • Einar
  • Ellis
  • Finch
  • Fistpelt
  • Gallio
  • Havengrain
  • Havoc
  • Hawkhelm
  • Hillbash
  • Icemaul
  • Kami
  • Lunastar
  • Menken
  • Ninomae
  • Peaceglory
  • Priestley
  • Rosefeather
  • Sierra
  • Simmons
  • Singh
  • Spiritdew
  • Stallard
  • Stronshard
  • Thunderhunter
  • Undergrove
  • Vandenberg
  • Winterkorn
  • Wiseash
  • Wolf bringer
  • Wolfcreek

Dark last names

Dark last namesDark last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @ArtsyBee (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Not all names that mean dark are associated with evil characters. Some of these names are adorable, charming, and outright electrifying! Check out this list of dark names that you may use to name your character:

  • Abital
  • Aku
  • Alarie
  • Black
  • Blakely
  • Cary
  • Charna
  • Chausiku
  • Dark
  • Duff
  • Fusco
  • Garnet
  • Himura
  • Isra
  • Kali
  • Loi
  • Maury
  • Merle
  • Nyx
  • Prieto
  • Rajani
  • Sauda
  • Umbra
  • Wraith
  • Zankoku

Spanish last names

Spanish last namesSpanish last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @vinsky2002 (modified by author)
Source: UGC

You can also use Spanish last names in your fantasy stories and games. Most of these names sound lovely and are easy to pronounce. Here are some cool surnames the Spanish community uses:

  • Berdenosa
  • Clerga
  • Colmenarejo
  • Conejos
  • Deulofeu
  • Devigorerrazuriz
  • Fafián
  • Fornatene
  • Frechilla
  • Gobernado
  • Iturat
  • Janer
  • Juanas
  • Lavarejos
  • Manotas
  • Murojosa
  • Nañez
  • Nespereira
  • Nomdedeu
  • Ornilla
  • Pillado
  • Porrino
  • Paneli
  • Queiruga
  • Racionero
  • Regalgo
  • Remírez
  • Rotaeche
  • Sahenz
  • Sobreviela
  • Torrealda
  • Trápaga
  • Tribaldos
  • Ucelay
  • Usparicha
  • Verecillo
  • Vizmanos
  • Xumetra
  • Ynurritegui
  • Zatarain

Cool last names for characters

Cool last names for charactersCool last names for characters. Photo: pixabay.com, @vinsky2002 (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Choosing a cool fantasy last name for your character can make fellow gamers or the intended audience for your story like your character more than you expected. Here are some fancy ones you can use in your fantasy games and stories:

  • Actona
  • Allen
  • Bass
  • Bloomberg
  • Braman
  • Chambers
  • Cox
  • Dell
  • Duffield
  • Duncan
  • Ellison
  • Eurig
  • Feld
  • Gallo
  • Hodan
  • Ottoline
  • Paz
  • Pearl
  • Valda
  • Vivalda

Magical last names

Magical last namesMagical last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @Joenomias (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Consider giving your fantasy characters magical names if they portray supernatural powers and abilities. Here are some beautiful last name ideas for your character:

  • Aiken
  • Amado
  • Armas
  • Benoit
  • Bidbury
  • Botkin
  • Darby
  • Desai
  • Ditka
  • Elway
  • Endo
  • Eno
  • Fairchild
  • Gannon
  • Keller
  • Kidder
  • Kipps
  • Manus
  • McCabe
  • October
  • Omen
  • Saxon
  • Sloane
  • Soria
  • Stroude
  • Willow
  • Winchell
  • Xadrian
  • Xanthons
  • Xerxes
  • Xiang
  • Xolani
  • Xylon
  • Yellen
  • Yew
  • Zajdel
  • Zajic
  • Zink
  • Zinn
  • Zook

What are powerful last names?

Powerful last namesPowerful last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @ranishoket (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Choosing a powerful name for your character can boost your self-esteem and confidence when playing with other gamers. Here are some powerful last names you can choose from:

  • Aife
  • Alanza
  • Aloise
  • Alvara
  • Barin
  • Batair
  • Bathilda
  • Bear
  • Brion
  • Brunhilda
  • Cillian
  • Cleopatra
  • Clothilda
  • Clovis
  • Cormac
  • Dina
  • Donal
  • Dreng
  • Earline
  • Enzo
  • Ethan
  • Ezke
  • Helmer
  • Hilda
  • Igor
  • Imre
  • Ingred
  • Ivar
  • Ivor
  • Jamari
  • Jan
  • Jedrek
  • Jerry
  • Jian
  • Kalmin
  • Kano
  • Louis
  • Luane
  • Maia
  • Sekhmet

What are some cool Japanese last names?

Cool Japanese last namesCool Japanese last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @vinsky2002 (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Japanese people generally only call one another by their first name if they're close and in the right casual environment. So, if you are playing a video game with Japanese gamers, here are some fantastic Japanese last names you can suggest for them or give your character:

  • Agawa
  • Akiyama
  • Aoki
  • Chiba
  • Chisaka
  • Furukawa
  • Hara
  • Hayashi
  • Hirano
  • Inoue
  • Ito
  • Sasaki
  • Kimura
  • Kita
  • Kobayashi
  • Kojima
  • Makino
  • Miura
  • Mori
  • Oba
  • Sasaki
  • Sato
  • Shimizu
  • Sone
  • Suzu
  • Takahashi
  • Tanaka
  • Watanabe
  • Yamada
  • Yamamoto

What are some cool last names for a girl?

Cool last names for a girlCool last names for a girl. Photo: pixabay.com, @vinsky2002 (modified by author)
Source: UGC

If your fantasy character exhibits this behavior, consider using awesome last names for girls with tough personalities. Here are some excellent last same for such female characters:

  • Adair
  • Aldaine
  • Alton
  • Amanda
  • Amherst
  • Amor
  • Angeles
  • Annesley
  • Archer
  • Armstrong
  • Ash
  • Ashby
  • Auden
  • Avery
  • Ayton
  • Bambi
  • Bancroft
  • Banks
  • Baylor
  • Bexley
  • Bingham
  • Bradley
  • Callas
  • Crassus
  • Creed
  • Crew
  • Danger
  • Delaney
  • Delila
  • Finley
  • Freeze
  • Gramble
  • Granger
  • Gryffon
  • Gunn
  • Halifax
  • Houston
  • Knight
  • Raquel
  • Whitfield

What are Z last names?

Cool Z last namesCool Z last names. Photo: pixabay.com, @TaniaVdB (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Fantasy names that start with the letter Z are rare. If you have been looking for such names, below is a list of cool last names. You can find a name that fits your character here:

  • Zabala
  • Zabawa
  • Zabel
  • Zabinski
  • Zabka
  • Zablocki
  • Zaborski
  • Zacarias
  • Zaccagnini
  • Zaccardi
  • Zaccaria
  • Zacek
  • Zachman
  • Zachow
  • Zadeh
  • Zadra
  • Zadroga
  • Zadrozny
  • Zaeske
  • Zafar
  • Zaffino
  • Zaffuto
  • Zagami
  • Zagar
  • Zagata
  • Zager
  • Zahl
  • Zahm
  • Zahner
  • Zahnow
  • Zahorchak
  • Zahra
  • Zahradka
  • Zahrt
  • Zaidi
  • Zaiger
  • Zaino
  • Zais
  • Zaitz
  • Zajac

The unique and cool last names you give your fictional characters can make you enjoy the game even more. The more you love your avatar name, the more you will be inspired to participate in the game. Also, giving your characters befitting names can make your audience love your fantasy story even more.

Legit.ng published another article with great nonbinary names. These are names used by people who do not conform to gender-binary.

There are many nonbinary names to choose from. Most sound cool and have great meanings. You can also use them as nicknames instead of real names.

Source: Legit.ng


Lucy Zawadi avatar

Lucy Zawadi Lucy Zawadi is a charismatic reporter with two years experience in creating content. She enjoys keeping up with pop culture, singing, cooking, baking, and jewellery making. Just like Kenya’s Eliud Kipchoge, Lucy believes that ‘No human is limited’. Email: lucyluciana832@gmail.com

Peris Walubengo avatar

Peris Walubengo (Lifestyle writer) Peris Walubengo is a content creator with 3 years of experience in writing informational and entertainment articles, researching, editing, and proofreading. She has a Bachelor of Commerce & IT from the University of Nairobi (class of 2019). She joined Legit.ng in April 2022. She covers bios, marketing & finance, tech, fashion & beauty, recipes, movies and video game reviews, culture & traveling. In 2023, Peris finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: perisrodah254@gmail.com.

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