Japa: NIDCOM Boss Warns Against Irregular Migration

2 months ago 5

Chairman /CEO of the Nigerians in the Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), Dr Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has warned Nigerians to desist from irregular means of migration to other parts of the world in their desperation to leave the country for the perceived greener pastures.

The NIDCOM boss said this yesterday in Abuja during a press conference ahead of the 2024 National Diaspora Day (NDD) and Diaspora Merit Awards, scheduled to take place in Abuja on July 25, with the theme “Japa Phenomena and Its Implications for National Development”.

‘Japa’ in Nigerian Yoruba language means to flee or escape, which has overnight become the trademark for Nigerians leaving the country for better opportunities abroad, according to the former lawmaker.

LEADERSHIP Friday had reported that following the ‘Japa syndrome’, skilled and even unskilled Nigerians were leaving the country for Europe and other developed countries in search of better lives, often through dangerous routes that have left many dead and their dreams cut short.

Abike–Dabiri said while people are free to emigrate, they must do so through the right channels to avoid the harrowing experiences associated with irregular migration processes.

She said, “Though freedom of movement is a basic human right, I would like to use this medium to urge those planning to jump to do so well. There should be no short corners and no irregularities in the immigration process. Those who have jumped should abide by the laws of their countries of residence and be good ambassadors of Nigeria.”

The former broadcaster said that this year’s theme is timely as it aptly describes the country’s migration status, especially among the youth.

She blamed the increased migration rate on economic instability, security concerns, and an inadequate standard of living and added that it has serious implications for the country.

She said, “The consequence of this phenomenon is the decline of strong human resources because most of the Nigerians relocating are youths. This, in turn, has a downward turn on labour and productivity in the country.

“However, we have to turn our lemons into lemonades. Today, we change the story by celebrating those vibrant Nigerians who are making positive impacts in the Diaspora and making the country very proud. Also, those who are abroad contribute positively to national development.

“The National Diaspora Day Celebrations is a call to action for us all: public and private driven sectors, government agencies and the media.

“This phenomenon demands our collective attention to find ways to leverage the expertise and resources of our Diaspora for national development.”

She also told the conference that as the sole government agency for Diaspora affairs in Nigeria, NIDCOM will host the second edition of the National Diaspora Merit Awards after its maiden outing last year.

The awards ceremony, as usual, recognises wonderful Diaspora Nigerians in agriculture, business, health, leadership, philanthropy, sports, education, entertainment, technology, industry, etc.

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