US Calls For End To Israeli-Iranian Military Exchanges Following Recent Strike

2 hours ago 36

The United States has stated that Israel’s latest attack on Iran should mark the conclusion of direct military actions between the two nations.

While the US confirmed it did not directly participate in the strikes, officials said they collaborated with Israel to ensure the operation minimized civilian risk.

According to a senior US official on Friday, the mission was “extensive,” “precise,” and focused exclusively on military targets within Iran.

The official described the strike as a “proportionate self-defense response” aimed at deterring future attacks and diminishing Iran’s military capabilities.

The effect was a proportionate self-defence response. The effect is to deter future attacks and to degrade Iran’s abilities to launch future attacks,” he said, according to Reuters.

Emphasizing a desire for de-escalation, the official stressed that the US views this operation as the final phase in the current exchange of hostilities between Israel and Iran.

The officials said, “This should be the end of the direct military exchange between Israel and Iran – we had a direct exchange in April and that was closed off and now we’ve had this direct exchange again.

The U.S. is also monitoring the situation closely to confirm whether Israel’s strikes were confined to military targets or extended to facilities connected to Iran’s nuclear program.

Any indication that nuclear-linked sites were impacted could provoke a significant reaction from Tehran, potentially escalating the conflict further.

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